"Oh God," I sighed as I noticed the puddle of milk on the floor.

 "Loretta, what happened here?" I asked my six years old daughter, who was standing by the table, looking sheepish.

"I'm sorry, Mommy," she said. "I was trying to pour myself a glass of milk, when the glass slipped out of my hand."

I tried to hide my frustration. "It's okay, Loretta," I said. "We all make mistakes. But next time, please be more careful, okay?"

"Okay" She said with her head down.

"Loretta, would you please go sit in the living room while I clean up this mess?" I asked her

"Okay, Mommy," She said as she ran off to the living room.

 I got a mop and began mopping up the mess.

As I cleaned up the spilled milk, I started to worry about my date with George. I wondered how I would explain to Loretta that I would be going out tonight. I knew she would be upset if I told her I was leaving her with my friend, Ruth. She had cried over this many times but I don't have a choice than to always leave her with Ruth.

George is my boyfriend, he is a billionaire businessman who I was so much in love with even though I came from a poor background. 

I was in my second year in the university when I got pregnant, everything fell apart as my boyfriend refused to take responsibility, and my parents were furious with me because they were trying so hard to pay my fees and now I disappointed them by getting pregnant. I felt like my whole future was ruined but I was so determined and with the help of my mother, I graduated.

I had to keep my child a secret from George because I was so afraid that he would react the same way as the other men I had dated, they all left me as soon as they found out I had a child. 

I always make sure he visits me only when Loretta has gone to school.

"Mummy, you have a call" Loretta called out as she ran to me with my phone in her hand.

"Thank you baby" I said as I collected the phone from her hand and she ran back to the sitting room.

 I saw that it was George calling me and I knew he was probably calling to confirm our date.

 'Hi, George, 'I said , smiling. 

'Hi, love, he replied. How are you" Are you ready for our date tonight? He asked cheerfully.

"Yes", I said as I looked at where my daughter was sitting watching her cartoon, my heart skipped a beat as I wondered how I would convince her to stay with Ruth again tonight.

"Alright babe" George's voice brought me back. 

"I will go dress up now" he said and hung up.

I dropped the phone on the table and signed deeply. I hurried with the mopping and dashed to the bathroom to take a quick bath and dressed up for the date.

In ten minutes, I was done showering, and I walked to my wardrobe to put on the black, flowing dress that George had given me last Valentine's Day. I paired the dress with black strappy heels, a simple diamond necklace, and a small black clutch. I sat down at my mirror to apply light makeup. Ten minutes later, I was done, and I felt ready for the date.

 I walked down the stairs down to the living room, where Loretta was still seated, watching her favorite cartoons on the TV. As I entered, the sound of my heels drew her attention. When she saw me, her eyes widened in surprise, taking in my appearance from head to toe. She gave me a huge smile and exclaimed, 

"Mom, you look so beautiful but where are you going this night" 

"Darling, I'm going out for the evening and I promise I'll be home before 12am" I said softly, as I bent down to her level and stroked her cheek. 

"It is late, Mommy, to do what?" I heard her ask , as I knew she would. Loretta was a smart and inquisitive child, always full of questions.

 "I'm going to see a friend." I tried to sound casual and reassuring, but I knew she could see right through me. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and I could tell she was suspicious.

"But Mommy, why can't I come with you if you're just seeing a friend?" I could hear the disappointment in her voice. It was hard to explain to a child that adults sometimes need time alone, but I tried my best. 

"Loretta, I know you're curious and want to come with me, but sometimes mommies need time to themselves. It doesn't mean I love you any less, okay?" I said, looking her straight in the eyes. She still looked a bit downcast, but she nodded her head.

"I want you to stay with Ruth while I'm gone," I said, standing up and grabbing my car keys from the table. The car had been a gift from George on my last birthday.

 "Ruth will take good care of you till I return. I'll be back before you know it." I tried to sound cheerful and confident.

"No mommy, I will stay at home till you come back.

"Baby, don't start this again, I can't leave you alone at home, stand up, let go, I'm running late", I said as I pulled her up.

Reluctantly, Loretta followed me out to the car. I opened the door for her and helped her into the back seat. As I got into the driver's seat, I could feel her eyes on me, silently asking why she couldn't come along. I didn't want to upset her, but I knew it was best for her to stay with Ruth. I put the car in drive and pulled out of the driveway, trying to focus on the road ahead.

Ruth's place was just like a twenty minute drive from mine, she was already waiting at the gate for Loretta.

"Thank you so much, Ruth," I said as we got out of the car. "You're the best."

"No need to thank me," she replied, giving me a warm smile. "That's what friends are for, right?" She reached out and took Loretta's hand, leading her inside the house. "Be good for your mommy, okay?" she said to Loretta, ruffling her hair affectionately.

As I got into the car, I heard Ruth call out, "Don't stay out too late, okay?" I waved and nodded in reply, grateful for her.