I sat at the table, sipping the wine in my glass, patiently waiting for Charlotte, she was late, and I didn't know why. Love Charlotte so much and I'm planning to make her my wife, even though I knew my parents might not approve of her because she wasn't a billionaire's daughter and I think I'm ready for their trouble. I couldn't stop myself from falling for her. She was intelligent, pretty and kind, and I couldn't get her out of my head. I took a sip of my wine, hoping she would arrive soon.

"Don't fall in love with a daughter of a nobody," the words of my parents echoed in my head. They had made it clear to me from a very young age that I was expected to marry into a wealthy family, and that anyone else would be considered a "nobody." But I couldn't help how I felt about Charlotte. She was everything I wanted, regardless of her financial status. 

"They are gold diggers" My mom would say.

"They will drain you and flee" My dad would say supporting his wife.

But here I am falling helplessly for Charlotte, a nobody, like my parents would say. 

My mom has brought the idea of me getting married to one of the daughters of a family friend, a billionaire. I refused because I don't have an iota of feeling for her. Although she is pretty, I could tag her as a spoiled brat. She is proud and doesn't give me the respect I deserve.

We had a heated argument over this issue before my parents came to the realization that my mind is made up.

My parents believe that people from poor backgrounds have nothing to offer in terms of marriage, and that marrying into a wealthy family is the only way to achieve success. My father specifically believes that people from poor families are a burden and that they should stick to marrying within their own class. I strongly disagree with these beliefs, as I believe that people should be valued for their individual characteristics, not their economic status

"Hi George" Charlotte's voice brought me out of my thinking.

"Hi pretty", I replied, smiling as I stood up to welcome her and I pulled her into a warm embrace.

"You look stunning and beautiful," I said, smiling.

"Thanks, you look good too and I'm sorry for keeping you waiting" She said with a smile.

"It's alright dear, what would you like to take?" I said as she had her seat.

"I think water will do" She said softly.

"What, water?" I asked, smiling.

"I had ordered your favorite dish, I know you will love it" I said as I gave her hands a gentle squeeze and she replied with a smile.

"I hope you don't find this place difficult to locate" I asked

"Oh no, the description is quite easy to find," She said.

"George, this restaurant is quite pricey, isn't it?" she said, glancing around. "I know you can afford it, and I know you have expensive tastes, but I think we could find a less expensive restaurant that would be just as enjoyable".

"I understand your perspective, dear, but I want you to know how special you are to me, and that you're worth every penny I spend," I said, smiling warmly. 

Her smile in return made me feel like the happiest man in the world.

"Charlotte, ever since we first met at your workplace, I know I've confessed my love to you many times. I will continue to confess my love to you so you can know that you mean a lot to me.

I love you so much Charlotte" I said, staring deeply into her eyeballs.

"You've completed me, Charlotte" I called her softly as I squeezed her hands.

"Charlotte, I don't just want to be your boyfriend , I want to be your husband," I said, mustering all the courage I had. She looked at me, eyebrows raised, and I held my breath, waiting for her response.

 "Are you for real?" she asked, her voice soft. 

"Yes, I am," I replied, taking her hand in mine. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

I picked the ring in my pocket and knelt down.

"I have been moving around with this ring for a while now" I said, gently

"But today I decided to ask you, baby, will you marry me" I asked smiling even though I was nervous.

I could hear the whispers and murmurs of the people around us, urging her to say yes. Finally, she looked me in the eye and said,

 "I'm speechless. I don't know what to say." 

I waited with bated breath, my heart racing. Then, she smiled and said, "Yes. A thousand times yes."

 I felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders, I flipped the ring into her finger, stood up and pulled her into a tight embrace. She cried in my arms for like five minutes.

Just then, the waiter brought our order of grilled salmon with a side of rice and vegetables. We sat down, ready to devour our meal. I couldn't contain my joy as I smile all to myself often and I could feel Charlotte was also glad because she couldn't stop smiling.

We ate in silence, stealing glances at each other. I could feel Charlotte was happy but I sense she was also nervous.

"Baby, are you ok?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh, y-es" She stammered.

"Is there anything you want me to know, don't you like your ring? or you don't like the time the proposal took place?" I asked, worried.

"Oh, No, I'm fine George" She said softly.

"You know you could tell me everything bothering you right"? I said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

"George, don't you think we are moving too fast?" She finally says.

"My love, when two people are in love, time is irrelevant. A year is plenty of time to get to know someone and fall in love. But if there's anything you're worried about, please tell me. I would like you to be open and honest with me."

"Yes, I mean No" She stuttered.

"Charlotte, who am I to you?" I asked.

"My man," She replied.

"Ok, as your man, you know you don't have to keep a secret from me, right?" I said.

"I am not, George, I am not keeping any secret" She said, her face was serious and was a little convincing.

"It gets darker, I need to be on my way" She said and stood up to leave and I followed suit, holding her hands in mine