"Is this how you are going to be in your room, ignoring me and your father, I told you your father want to you down stairs" My mom said, her voice raised with anger

"Mom, I'm not going to let you and Dad dictate my life again," I said, my voice rising in frustration. "I'm an adult, and I have the right to make my own decisions. You can't force me to do what you want."

I could see my mother's face darken, and I knew I'd hit a nerve. But I was determined to stand my ground. I was tired of being controlled by my parents, and I was ready to break free. My career was chosen by them, I had wanted to be a caterer but they insisted I be a businessman. My dad even threatened not to pay my fees if I go to catering school. I have no choice than to comply. 

"We are your parents, we know what is good for you, in the area of marriage, you have to choose right if you don't want to be in eternal sadness" She said again this time with a gentle and calm voice.

"Mom, I know who I want to spend my life with, and it's not some stranger you picked out for me," I said, my voice growing more insistent. "What if she's not the right person for me? What if we have nothing in common? How can you possibly know what's best for me?"

"She is your spec," my mom said, smiling. "She is pretty, eloquent and intelligent, I know that is what you want in a woman" She said again.

"Oh I see, she is your idea of a perfect match for me, do you even care about my happiness, mom. Do you know love matters in area of marriage" I said rolling my eyes 

"Son, I know but can we at least meet her first and I am very sure you will love her" She said, smiling.

"Mom, I'm not leaving this room" I said as I moved towards my bed. I sat down heavily, hoping that she would just leave me alone but she didn't.

 "George", I heard my father's voice calling my name. I stiffened, knowing that I couldn't avoid this conversation any longer. He sounded angry, and I braced myself for whatever he was about to say. But I was determined to stand my ground, no matter what.

"How dare you ignore me like that," my father thundered, his face turning red with anger. "Who do you think you are, oh, you are now an adult, right?.

 "I'm not ignoring you sir," I said, my voice faltering. "I just want to…be " I stammered.

"Will you keep your mouth shut," my father said, his voice so full of authority. "Come downstairs and meet Sandra, right now." He turned and left the room. 

I could hear my mother laughing to herself, clearly pleased by my father's outburst. I knew I had no choice but to follow him.

Getting to the sitting room, I saw Sandra sitting comfortably on the couch. She fit my usual type, with her tall, slender figure. But I was immediately put off by her choice of outfit. She wore a revealing, low-cut top and a pair of shorts that were far too short. I detest seeing ladies dress revealing their body and I wonder how my mother seems to be comfortable with her.

"Hi" I said as I took my seat on the couch opposite hers, my mom sitting close to her while my dad sat close to me.

"Hello," She replied, smiling.

"Ok", my dad started, clearing his throat. "This is George, my only son. '' He said, introducing me to Sandra. "And George, this is Sandra, the second daughter of Dr. Xavier, my business partner.

"Dr. Xavier, that name sounds familiar" I said, gesturing to my father.

"Dr. Xavier is one of our most important business partners, and you might have come across his name in some of our company files. He's a very influential figure in our industry, and it's an honor to have him as a partner" My dad said, smiling.

I have a feeling that my parents' insistence on me marrying Sandra has something to do with her father's status as our most important business partner. Do they want to use me as a bargaining chip to secure more contracts with him or what?. 

"So, Dr. Xavier and I have discussed a possible union between our families, through the marriage of our children," my father said. 

"George, Sandra, have agreed to it. I just want you to consider meeting her and getting to know her. I'm sure you'll find that you have a lot in common, and that she's the right person for you." My father said,

 "Dad, I'm sorry, but I can't marry Sandra" I said, my voice trembling slightly as I tried to be respectful but firm. "I need you to understand that the decision of marriage should be taken by me". I said again, the thought of facing my father's disappointment and anger was like a knot in his stomach.

I knew my father was a man of strong will and determination, and that he would not take no for an answer. But I had to be honest and true to myself, even if it meant going against my father's wishes. I knew it would not be easy, but I was determined to stand up for myself, even if it meant disappointing the man I feared and respected.

"Son, your mother and I know what's best for you," my father said, his tone firm and unyielding. "Dr. Xavier's family is the best family to marry into. 

Take a look at his daughter, Sandra."

Sandra rose from her seat and slowly turned around, giving a full view of herself. I looked her up and down, trying to judge if she would truly make a good wife and mother. Even if she would, I already have someone I want to spend the rest of my life with.

"Sandra is pretty, intelligent and smart, you guys will make a great couple." My dad continued.

"Love matters daddy, love matters" I said out of frustration.

"Yes, it does and that is why I said you should try and get to know her first, you will surely fall in love with her" My dad said, smiling.

"Yes son, you will" My mom, who has been silent finally says something.

"Mom, dad, I have someone I love," I managed to say.