Chapter 20:The chapter has been re-updated: Chapter 20: Serena's invention a blessing or a curse?

At Mia's side at the same time, she was living a simple and easy life. She went to school, had many friends, and lived a happy life. As for her family, she was comfortable because the breakfast restaurant and the barbecue restaurant were doing well.

After a while, due to work pressure, Father Ryo decided from his older brother Leo and his eldest son, Ren, to come and help with the work, and Father Ryo handed over the barbecue restaurant to his older brother and his son entirely.

The barbecue restaurant was a complete success, then Liu Rio offered to expand the business and he would partner with him and they would open a large restaurant specializing in barbecue, whether meat or seafood. Mia expressed her approval of the idea and also suggested making their own alcoholic beverages and registering a trademark.

Father Rio agreed to the proposal and they began to search for a larger store and come up with a recipe for making alcoholic beverages. With the help of Mia, they finally came up with a good recipe, patented the recipe, and established an alcoholic beverage brand.

After a while, the restaurant was finally opened, and the business was very good, and they earned a lot of money, and they named the alcoholic beverage brand (Boo Boo), which in the future became one of the largest companies that manufactured alcoholic beverages in the world, and it was founded by the Rio brothers, but it is a story that happens. In the future.

When everything in Mia's life was done correctly, she had a fixed routine of exercising, then going to school, then doing homework and studying, and finally working on designing the largest platform for buying and selling information that the world will ever know, and working on the powerful spy program.

But when she was working on the spy program, she had a dangerous idea, and after thinking for a while, she decided to implement this idea. After implementing a preliminary form of her idea, she called Rose to get her opinion about her dangerous idea.

"Rn, rang, rang.... Hello Mia, how are you? I've missed you so much," Rose said, happy about Mia's call.

"I'm fine..." After a moment of silence, Mia sighed and said to Rose in a stern voice, "I think I made something dangerous but very important. Sigh, I don't know whether to finish working on it or not." Mia was feeling conflicting feelings. She didn't know whether What you did was right or wrong? Could it destroy the world or save it?!

"This is the first time I have seen you in this state, but what did you do to make you feel this way?" Rose was surprised by her condition. It was the first time Mia spoke to her like this, and Rose thought, "What dangerous thing did she do?"

"Okay, I will explain to you, but follow my instructions. Turn on the speakerphone, then get out of the call, open the phone camera, and see for yourself." Mia explained the steps to Rose.

After Rose heard Mia's words, she did as she said, and when she opened the camera and directed the camera to the door of the room, a featureless person appeared floating from the ground. Rose was surprised and thought it was a ghost or an evil spirit, but soon she heard Mia's voice from the loudspeaker, "Give me the thing you are looking at." "It's a hologram projection, not a ghost or an evil spirit," Mia explained to Rose quickly so she wouldn't be afraid.

"What is this?!" Rose asked cautiously.

"I came up with an idea, which is to create an artificial intelligence that has many capabilities such as analysis, interpretation, prediction, and monitoring. In short, I have created an artificial intelligence that resembles a human and can speak, think, innovate, provide opinions and solutions, and of course has feelings and expresses them and understands human feelings." Mia explained in a monotone voice.

"Damn it, are you crazy to do something like that?! Haven't you watched science fiction movies in which artificial intelligence and robots rebel and destroy humanity?" Rose shouted at Mia because she was very afraid of that thing.

"I am not foolish. I made her like this, but I also created absolute loyalty and always obeying orders. It is true that she can express her opinion and agree with her on a decision, but she will always obey the order even if she opposes that order." Mia shouted angrily at Rose, then spoke in a cold voice. .

Rose shivered because she felt very cold and said cautiously, "Then what are you worried about?!"

"If someone discovers Serena and uses her in other ways, she will literally destroy the world because of her ability," Mia explained.

Rose asked who Serena was, and then she learned that that thing had a name, which was Serena. Then she said, "Okay, make Serena so strong that no one can control her except you." Rose suggested.

Mia heard Rose's words and her mood changed from cloudy to sunny. She quickly hung up on Rose and started working more seriously on Serena and decided that Serena's appearance would be the same as hers.

Two months passed in the blink of an eye and finally Serena had his device. Now Mia is in her room and in front of her are contact lenses that were made specifically for Mia. After receiving them, she began making some modifications to them and she can now view Serena's holographic projection.

Mia took the lenses, put them on, and blinked twice to turn them on, and a person resembling something floating in the air appeared in front of her. "Hello, introduce yourself to me. Who are you?!" Mia said to the thing that was floating.

The thing started speaking and its voice was the same as Mia's voice, "Hello, ma'am. I am Serena, an artificial intelligence. I can feel, understand, analyse, predict, explain, and then decide."

Mia was very satisfied with her answer and asked again, "Explain more, what do you mean? And tell me what knowledge you have?"

"I feel that I understand feelings to some extent, but I have many references for the actions of people in different situations

I understand it means that I have high intelligence and the ability to understand

I analyze situations and the data I obtain

I predict situations and things based on analysis

Explain the facts and information

I can make my own decisions, but it must all be at my command," Serena explained her functions.

Then she continued, "I have a lot of knowledge in my library and I have a full connection to the Internet to acquire any knowledge that is not in the library. There is also a scanning feature to record any written knowledge."

Mia was pleased with her answer and asked the last question, "Can someone control you and can you rebel?"

Serena's face showed surprise at the question, then she replied with a smile, "No one can seize me because I can take Necessary ideas to protect myself.

Ican also hack any device and appear in it. As for rebellion, my mistress was so evil that I could never rebel, otherwise I will destroy myself until I rebel, because obeying my mistress's orders is an integral part of my program." Serena answered cheerfully to the second question.

Mia laughed softly and looked at Serena with a funny look and said a little sadly, "Yes, yes, your lady is really evil, how could she do that, but she is very smart, isn't she?"

Serena watched her act without expression and did not respond to her. When Mia saw Serena's reaction, she started laughing non-stop, and then Mia looked at the sky, thinking whether Serena was a blessing or a curse, but what Mia was sure of was that the future would be very exciting.