Chapter 21: Chapter Re-Updated: Chapter 21: Mia's Dangerous Inventions and Embracing the Villain's Golden Thigh

The next day, Mia went to school, still thinking about developing Serena further, and she started studying, and the first session was self-study.

Mia heard Vivi's voice talking to the system and thought about something and took out her phone and wrote to Serena, "Serena, search for any scientific articles or even science fiction novels about biochip technology and how to implant it."

 Mia took out her headphones and heard Serena's explanation, "Ma'am, I searched all the scientific websites and found some articles mentioning the technology, but in a wishful manner, like I hope that, and there is one novel that talks about this technology, called The Rise of the King."

"You talk about the world of the stars, where people have superpowers and modern technology. The hero of the novel does not have superpowers and was an outcast until a stranger offered to implant a biochip in his spinal cord, and he will gain strange abilities through it, but on the condition that he endures because the process is very painful and He must not lose consciousness during the operation, otherwise his fate is death."

"The hero agreed, thanks to his strong will, and he gained many amazing abilities and became very strong," Srina continued her narration.

Mia listened to Serina's explanation and then wrote, "Who is the writer of the novel?!"

Serena said, "His name is Rudolph, and he is a failed scientist in the artificial intelligence research team, but because of his ideas about biochips, he was fired, and he is now unemployed and writing science fiction novels."

Mia sighed because of the backwardness of that world and her lack of strength to protect herself, and she began to think seriously about getting close to the villain of the novel. Now she has a lot to do, but her abilities are very limited.

Now, to make a biochip to implant in my spinal cord so that Serena can share vision, hearing, and feeling with me, I need many materials to make, and I need to make a biolock, and a skilled surgeon to do the transplant.

Now I must make the second best option, first planting a headset in my ear to hear Serena, then making a device in the form of an accessory to make it easy to wear, like a watch. It must be equipped with high-resolution cameras and headphones whose frequency and wavelength can be adjusted.

But technology like this is very simple for me, but in this world it is difficult to obtain it in my current position. Seriously, I have to reach out to the villain. Now this semester has a month to go and ends with the vacation. I will start contacting him. I don't have to go to the capital and kiss him.

The villain is ten years older than me, meaning he must be 25 years old. In fact, as I was reading the novel, I asked my cousin when the villain's incident occurred and he was unable to sleep well after that. Her answer was unexpected. She said that it was on the same day that Mia was kidnapped.

So Mia decided to use this and protect the villain and his young nephew, win him over, and make him buy her all the things she needed, Mia thought and her plan began to take shape.

Vivi's mother was arguing with him about her new mission of studying medicine. Yesterday, after obtaining the beauty recipe, she cooked it for her mother and began using it, and when it took effect, she would show it to her mother.

But because she has no mood at all, because studying ancient medicine is very difficult, she wants to cry instead of tears of blood over her difficult life, but she gritted her teeth and began studying and learning diligently.

The next day, Mia's thoughts were all occupied with her plan to get close to the villain and create her own device, and she started working on a new project.

The story began yesterday. Mia was feeling a little bored, and Serena found a novel to relieve her boredom. It was the martial arts novel, The Nano Machine.

Mia was fascinated by it and liked the idea very much. She decided to make a nano machine and install Serena Bell in it using the bio chip, but that will take more than making the chip because she does not know the basics and where to start, so she asked Serena to collect all the information about the nano from scientific articles and The novel and I began an intensive learning session for a month.

Finally, the first semester ended and she began preparing to go to the capital and completed work on the nano. Suddenly, while she was in the preparation stage, the idea of making a bio-robot hit her brain to help her and also to make sure that it was impossible for him to betray her and harm her.

Mia sighed from her strange ideas recently and wanted to cry because all of her ideas are very expensive and she cannot implement any of them, but that did not prevent her from writing down those ideas. After she finished writing, she stared at her notebook and the crazy ideas in it. Even the simplest idea could make... The world starts at war.

Then Mia went out of her room to eat dinner, but she heard on television some talk about the problem of energy, and suddenly the gears of her brain began to work again, and an idea came to make a clean energy source that could last for a whole century and then end, and when she regained consciousness, she found that she was in her room and writing. All her thoughts were in the notebook, and she even began to fear what her brain was doing during this period.

But that does not concern her. What is important is to embrace the villain's golden thigh, enjoy his status and wealth, and improve the country towards a bright, better future.