The Ballad of Mr. Aklas.

Tonrie awakens to a tranquil, snow-laden morning in Vanderville. The town is enveloped in a wintry charm, with snowflakes gracefully descending, blanketing everything in sight. As he gazes out of his window, Tonrie admires the quiet beauty of the snow-covered landscape.

Tonrie pulled out his crisp, tailored uniform of Vanderville High, preparing for the day's choir tournament. As he adjusted gazed upon his tie, his thoughts delved into the reasons he'd entered the world of singing.

Singing wasn't just a school hobby or extracurricular activity; it was his backup plan, a fallback option in case his dream of securing a Swimming Scholarship for college didn't materialize. "Always have a Plan B," echoed a voice in his mind, a constant reminder from his father, ingrained deeply in his conscience.

Yet, there was a more personal reason intertwined with his commitment to singing. It wasn't solely about a backup option. The suggestion to explore singing as a way to express himself came from Ms. Andrews, the school counselor, during his freshman year. Her words resonated profoundly with Tonrie. It wasn't just a casual recommendation; it was a lifeline, a safe avenue to release the pent-up emotions and feelings that tormented him within the walls of his home.

From that moment, he took singing seriously, viewing it not just as an extracurricular activity but as a profound outlet for his unspoken turmoil.

Dressed in his school's formal uniform, Tonrie prepares for the day. He meticulously adjusts his attire, embracing the school's emblem on his uniform, signifying his allegiance and dedication to the choir tournament. Despite the serenity of the snow-covered town, thoughts of his father's absence due to a court-ordered stay at a rehab linger in the periphery of his mind. He pushes these thoughts aside, determined to focus on the day ahead.

Stepping out into the winter wonderland, Tonrie experiences a sense of tranquility amidst the wintry ambiance. The crispness of the cold and the softness of the snowflakes offer a momentary respite from the usual chaos in his life. Each step through the snow-covered streets symbolizes his commitment to the upcoming choir tournament.

With resolve in his heart, Tonrie walks through the serene landscape, contemplating the challenges he's faced and the hurdles he's overcome. The winter's quiet embrace momentarily shields him from the inner turmoil, allowing him to channel his thoughts towards the day's event.


Tonrie stood poised backstage, the energy of the auditorium palpable through the curtain. The vast modern auditorium was alive with a mix of sounds, filled to the brim with thousands of students from various schools, each adorned in their distinct uniforms. Families and supporters crowded into their seats, buzzing with anticipation and excitement.

As Tonrie readied himself for his choir's performance, a medley of chatter and the rustling of programs filled the vast space. Families settled in, exchanging murmurs about the impending performances. Mrs. Golnovsky, radiating pride and support, offered Tonrie her encouraging words, "Break a leg!" before he disappeared behind the stage curtain.

Throughout the event, the stage came alive with a myriad of performances, each choir bringing its unique essence to the forefront. For the competition, each was required to perform 3 songs. A festive winter song, a buoyant musical number, and a heartfelt ballad. The venue echoed with a rich tapestry of melodies, capturing the audience's attention with each performance.

Tonrie's choir awaited their turn, filled with a blend of nerves and eager anticipation. As they stepped onto the stage, their voices harmonized effortlessly, weaving a captivating tale through their melodic rendition. The auditorium transformed into a realm of musical emotions, resonating with each note, enchanting the audience and leaving an indelible mark.

The team sang their Winter song, a remix combination of two famous Winter songs into one, as they shared baseline harmonies. The audience found the blend intriguing.

Then they sang their upbeat song from a famous musical that the audience seemed to enjoy rather fondly. 

Their final song was the Ballad. Tonrie stepped onto the center stage, the spotlight casting an aura around him. In the quiet anticipation of the audience, he felt a mix of emotions, the weight of his past struggles mingling with a sense of purpose. Singing was more than just a performance for him; it was a release, a channel to express the hidden turmoil he harbored.

The lyrics he sang, originally from a world-famous pop diva but now transformed to fit his tenor vocals, became an anthem, a poignant declaration of his inner battles. Each word carried the weight of his struggles, and with every note, he channeled his turbulent emotions, pouring them out into the music.



His vocal instructor overheard him belting it out one day in the locker room, and he immediately knew, if Tonrie could portray those feelings in note form on stage, he would take the team to nationals. 


The choir started the song as a cappella of harmonic instruments. As he began to sing, the first notes emanated from him, carrying the echoes of his life's unspoken challenges. "One more hour burns… so scared of his return…" The song became his refuge, a vessel for the emotions he'd kept veiled for far too long. Tonrie's voice, normally confident and charismatic, now resonated with a raw vulnerability that captivated the audience.

The audience felt the depth of Tonrie's emotional journey as his voice soared and trembled with the heartfelt ballad. As the song reached its pinnacle, Tonrie's voice, filled with genuine emotion," …So I'm taking back! All you took…" he quivered with raw vulnerability. "...from me…" 

The auditorium fell into a hushed silence, every person present feeling the intensity of his performance.

"This time." The final note lingered, reverberating in the air like a testament to the emotional journey unveiled on stage. Tears glistened in Tonrie's eyes as he wiped them away, momentarily forgetting the audience's presence. Applause thundered through the auditorium, the audience rising to their feet in a standing ovation, moved by the profound honesty of his performance.

As the choir competition drew to a close, the culmination of efforts and harmonious melodies led to an achievement for Vanderville High. The collective performance earned them the esteemed Silver award in the category of "Overall Best Performance." The audience erupted in applause, acknowledging the hard work and dedication exhibited by the choir members.

Amidst the collective recognition, Tonrie stood out in individual recognition, honored with hold in two prestigious categories. His stirring solo performance granted him the title of "Best Solo Performance," and his exceptional tenor vocals earned him the accolade of "Best Male Tenor." It was a testament to his emotive singing and vocal prowess, resonating deeply with the audience and the competition's judges.

As the awards ceremony concluded, Tonrie made his way to the seating in the auditorium, where he was met by the jubilant Golnovsky family, all smiles and applause. Mrs. Golnovsky enveloped him in a warm embrace, followed by Mr. Golnovsky's hearty congratulations and Dash's excited pat on the shoulder.

Amidst the celebration, Andi rushed up to him, her eyes sparkling with pride. "Tonrie, that was incredible! You were amazing up there," she beamed, her enthusiasm infectious.

Tonrie smiled in gratitude, appreciating her words. Then, as if fate had orchestrated the moment, Andi pulled him towards a distinguished-looking man. "This is my dad, Dr. Emberson," she introduced proudly, the warmth in her voice evident. Tonrie greeted Dr. Emberson with a respectful handshake, struck by the gentleness in the meteorologist's eyes.

Observing the absence of Tanya, Andi's brow furrowed with concern. "Huh, Tanya's not here? I thought she'd be here to see you perform," she inquired to herself, but decided against bringing it up.