Going for Gold

It was an icy January evening, and Tonrie's chest echoed with the resounding cheers of victory. The school swim meet had been a fierce contest, each stroke a battle, and every lap a daunting challenge. Yet, Tonrie's unwavering commitment and tireless practice bore fruit as he touched the final wall, shattering the school's record and seizing the gold.

The atmosphere inside the large indoor swimming pool was electric, despite the frost-covered windows and snow-clad panes that shielded the competition from the harsh winter outside. The air burned with the spirit of competition, and Tonrie's triumph was met with thunderous applause from the crowd.

Among the spectators, a pair of well-dressed figures stood out—scouts from Las Pacifica University. Their sharp eyes were fixated on Tonrie, recognizing the talent that could turn dreams into reality. As Tonrie emerged from the pool, still catching his breath, the scouts approached, admiration evident in their expressions.

"Tonrie Aklas, we've been following your progress. Your performance tonight was outstanding," one scout praised, extending a hand in congratulations.

"Your dedication hasn't gone unnoticed. We'd like to offer you a full scholarship to swim for Las Pacifica University," another scout added, their words carrying the weight of recognition for Tonrie's hard work.

Tonrie, momentarily stunned by the magnitude of the offer, managed a grateful smile. Las Pacifica University had been his goal, a distant dream that now seemed within reach. "I... I don't know what to say. Thank you. This means everything to me," he expressed, shaking hands with the scouts whose offer transformed his aspirations into tangible opportunities.

As the scouts offered their heartfelt congratulations, Tonrie's heart swelled with pride. This scholarship was more than financial support; it symbolized the culmination of years dedicated to the pool, a validation of his resilience and passion for swimming.


Later that evening, bursting with excitement, Tonrie dialed Tanya's number. The news of the scholarship was too significant to keep to himself, and he anticipated her shared joy.

"Tanya, you won't believe it! Las Pacifica University offered me a full scholarship for swimming!" he exclaimed, the elation palpable in his voice.

However, the response he expected was not the one he received.

"Um, I thought we were going Branson of Law. I'm going to be a lawyer before I hit 25. I already have my acceptance letter and Daddy's paying for everything." Tanya had her own dreams, envisioning a future where Tonrie joined her at a distant law school.

"I...I don't have a lot of options here Tanya! It's not like I can transfer my one and only scholarship to another school!" The revelation of Tonrie's limited alternatives or scholarships, aside from the swimming offer, fueled a heated exchange.

"I can't just turn down this opportunity. I don't have any other choices," Tonrie pleaded, "Please understand, I don't have any other options, and I've wanted to go to LPU since I was in middle school. And you know I've had my heart set on LPU."

Tanya, resolute in her own aspirations, remained unyielding. "If you don't want to go where I'm going, then I guess we have no future together," she declared, "And I don't waste my time on useless investments." And ended the call abruptly.

The elation of Tonrie's triumph clashed with the storm brewing in his personal life, leaving him caught between the high of victory and the tumult of uncertainty.