Paradigm Shift

Dash sat in the backseat of the car, staring out the window as the cityscape rushed by in a blur. Thoughts were swirling through his mind like a chaotic whirlwind. His friends, Tonrie and Andi, both unconscious in the hospital, struggling for their lives, and he felt helpless, unable to do anything to change their situation.

As his parents drove in silence, Dash's mind wandered, replaying the events of the past few days. The meteor shower, the chaos that ensued, and the unfathomable sight of his best friends lying motionless in their hospital beds. It was in that moment, the weight of realization crashed upon him like a ton of bricks.

He clenched his fists, feeling the sudden surge of determination flooding through him. Dash knew he had squandered his time, coasting through life, barely making an effort in his education and hobbies. But now, with the fragility of life staring him in the face, he understood the gravity of his choices.