
The following day, Dash embarked on a journey that felt excruciatingly long as he made his way from the E-sports venue to the airport for his flight home. The anticipation and anxiety were palpable during the flight, making every minute feel like an eternity as he sat in restless contemplation.

Finally, he arrived at Las Pacifica University Hospital, escorted by his parents, the Golnovskies, and Tonrie's father, Timothy. The hospital corridors were bustling with activity—nurses briskly moving from room to room, doctors conferring in hushed tones, and worried families anxiously awaiting updates on their loved ones' conditions.

As they hurried toward the hospital's front desk, Timothy's face was etched with desperation. "Please, my son, Tonrie Aklas, have you heard anything? Where is he?" he implored the staff, his voice strained with worry.