
Tonrie laid in his hospital bed, the stark reality of his predicament slowly sinking in. His father's sudden departure from this world left Tonrie stranded in a swirling vortex of confusion and sorrow. He watched the world move forward outside the window, college life continuing its course without him, the hustle and bustle of daily life so starkly contrasting with the melancholic atmosphere inside his room.

As Tonrie grappled with the weight of his loss and the emptiness that gnawed at his soul, there was a sudden, assertive knock on the door of his hospital room. The intrusion startled him from his reverie. A tall, well-dressed man in a suit, accompanied by a younger assistant, entered the room with an air of professionalism and formality.

"Mr. Tonrie Aklas?" the man in the business suit addressed Tonrie as he stepped further into the room.

Tonrie, still trying to grasp the reality of his father's absence, managed a weak nod.