Missing Things

Tonrie's fragile voice faltered as he strained to sit up in his hospital bed. Andi, nestled in the corner, turned her gaze toward him, concern etched on her face. Dash, Tonrie's unwavering friend, reached out, a supportive hand resting on Tonrie's shoulder.

"So he's really... Gone?" Tonrie's voice trembled, the reality of the situation sinking in. Dash, his eyes heavy with sorrow, nodded solemnly, struggling to find words that could convey the weight of the news.

The room seemed to close in on Tonrie as he grappled with the devastating truth. "No... This can't be happening," he whispered, disbelief evident in every word. Tears welled up in his eyes, threatening to spill over. The beacon of reconciliation and the newfound bond with his father shattered, replaced by the cruel twist of fate that tore them apart once again.