Voice of the Past

The moon cast a ghostly glow through the fog that enveloped the neighborhood of the small country town, lending an eerie atmosphere to the scene that unfolded before it. Amidst the tranquil night, a familiar tan-colored trailer stood as the silent witness to yet another all-too-familiar confrontation.

"I don't know if you can fit that into your busy schedule or not," a woman's voice pierced the stillness, her words heavy with tension and resentment. "In between your bar visits and bowling league, but that would be great!"

"What more do you want from me Brenda?!" a man's voice retorted bitterly, his frustration palpable in every syllable. "I work till I'm blue in the face to provide for this family, but someone feels a Medi-Pedi is more important than feeding her child!"

"I want you to be here, with me and for me!" Brenda's voice rose in defiance, her desperation evident in her tone.