Friends are the Family You Choose

Amongst the bustling confines of the Las Pacifica International Airport, with the constant stream of passengers coming and going, announcements of arrivals and departures echoed through the air. Tonrie paced back and forth nervously at the luggage carousel, his anxiety evident as Dash and Andi sat at the luggage carousel, watching his agitated movements.

Then, the automated voice crackled over the intercom, "Now Arriving, Lindingarde at Gate A23, unloading at carousel 3." The announcement seemed to exacerbate Tonrie's nerves, causing him to double his pacing.

"You gonna calm down, dude?" Dash asked, his patience wearing thin. Both he and Andi were growing annoyed by Tonrie's incessant back and forth movements. "Or you planning on digging yourself a trench on the airport floor with your incessant pacing?"

"I know, I know, I'm just…" Tonrie replied, his words trailing off as he cracked his knuckles in anticipation.