A Simple Request for Tea

As it turns out, Tonrie was very sick, diagnosed with some sort of lung infection by the quick care doctor. Andi opened the front door to his beach house, allowing Dash to help carry him into the loft while his mother trailed behind them.

"I'm here for you, baby," she murmured as she hovered around him, "Mother's here for you." she said, "Dash, put him in that chair so he can rest up,"

"No. He needs a bed…" Andi interjected firmly, as Dash and she carefully laid him onto his mattress on the floor.

"Yes, some rest would be best for him," Brenda said sheepishly, then turning to his two friends, "Alright, everyone out! My son needs his rest and doesn't need people hovering over him."

Pushed out of the house, Dash and Andi exchanged worried glances for their friend, feeling uneasy about leaving him in the care of someone they were not entirely comfortable with.