No Answer

Two days had passed since the exclamation over a gift of oranges, and Andi had yet to hear from Tonrie. Concern gnawed at her, and it seemed she wasn't alone in her worry.

Sending a quick text to Dash, Andi inquired, "Hey, have you heard from Tonrie lately? He's not responding to texts or calls."

"Nope. He hasn't even responded to Comms," came Dash's swift reply.

"Someone needs to check on him. I'll swing by after my shift," Andi typed back before tucking her phone into her pocket and returning to her duties at the university library.

That afternoon, a concerned Andi knocked on Tonrie's front door, but there was no answer. She peered through the window in the late afternoon sun, but all was dark and silent inside.

She quickly whipped out her phone and texted Dash, "No answer at home either. Place is dark. Not liking this!"