The Hidden! (Part 1)


Despite not hearing it ever in her life, the name yet gave her a sense of presence of something unknown and undefined, within her.

Who are you, Zamiel?!

Her gaze lingered over the necklace until it settled on the metal box which still wondered and amused her by the way how it was carved. Done with designs she never got to witness in her whole life, its presence giving out a feel of ancient history, royalty and uniqueness. Her fingers traced through the flower petals design of it, reaching a specific spot which realised her the presence of more.

The box had another layer of shelf which came by surprise, she excitedly yet meticulously opened it by pulling the knob. The assumingly hidden shelf presented her with a rolled rough and thick paper. Sending her to the sentence of amusement.

Did it have any message for her? A letter?!

Anticipation embraced her with a mixture of enthusiasm, her hand soon taking it out rolling up, however, it showed nothing! The paper was empty, with no particular message.

Amara felt the taste of disappointment briefly, did she begin to expect more of this? Particularly from an unknown gift from an unknown person?!

With a shake of head she looked over the box again, perhaps the box and necklace alone were the gifts!

Yet, she still couldn't quite shake off the feeling that questioned the identification of the man! Did she somehow know him but forgot with no recent contacts? Or was he a distant relative of either of her parents whom she is yet to know!

Whatever the case was, it still didn't justify of why did he even gift her, after all in sudden?

Her gaze lingered over the box even more, as if printing each and every stroke of it carefully in her mind, until, she realised something written around the knob of the hidden shelf. She tried to read it, thinking it might state the period from which the box was or the name of the creator of this box.

However, it simply stated 'Show yourself' in bold letters!

Show what?!

Her stare kept shifting from the box to necklace to the paper, show what??

In confusion, she remained so briefly until a chuckle with a laugh escaped her, what was she stressing herself with?

With a smile, shaking her head, she got up, having herself standing infront of the mirror! Her hands carefully adorned her neck with the necklace, the thing bringing out the beauty of her fair skin! Her fingers rested on the beautifully carved butterfly pendant.

Just how more beautiful could this be?!

Yes, she loved it!!

After moments of admiring herself, she returned back to the box, thinking of to take care of them, her hand soon reach for the paper, holding it high! The paper which somehow gave her a sense of royalty, reminding her the knowledge of secret communication of royals from histories, when they similarly used to use such ways!

Looking at the box briefly, she gazed back at the paper, "Show what though? Yourself?!" she chuckled, "Alright then, show yourself!!" she commanded, somehow dramatically.

Amara chuckled, what was she even doing?

With a laugh and shake of head, she decided to put it back into the box, however, the sudden change in the paper halted her.

Slowly, few letters appeared, letting her read the words; "What do you want to see?"

What? What's..... happening?!

What does it mean.... by what does she want to see?! Is this her dream again? Perhaps, a very long one!

Anyway, the question remained still,

"What do you want to see?", as if urging her to decide whether to respond or not! Either way was a response!

"I...don't know?" Amara replied confused, still believing somehow, this all to be a dream, cause, what's now happening was really unbelievable.

The letters on the paper slowly vanished, only to let the new ones appear; "I think I know what you want to see!" Amara read it.

It knows? Alright then,!!

Amara patiently waited for the new ones as the letters again vanished, however, the paper surprisingly began to show few scenes of her life which were unforgettable.


Amara lay in her bed, feeling tired. Her parents had already suggested her to get admitted in their hospital but she was stubborn enough to stay back at home. Just to celebrate her parents' anniversary, and what, they're going to celebrate it over her uncle's house and she is not allowed to come!!!

All due to this infectious fever!!

A frustrated sigh escaped her, feeling helpless.

A knock echoed against her door briefly before the door creaked open in the silence. As soon as she saw her parents coming towards her, she looked away, her hands folded against her chest.

Isobel and Harry looked at her in silence, not knowing what to say.

"Amara, it's late already, dear. I fear your uncle would be upset about the delay!" Isobel cleared her voice.

"And what about me?!" She yelled, glaring back at them.

Harry smiled, sitting beside her, "My stubborn fairy," his hand tugged her hair strands, "it's just unfortunate that we can't have you with us today. Don't be angry with us!!" He tried to convince her with his usual puppy eyes! Isobel smiled at them.

Amara tried to insist however her father's eyes as usual metled her. With a sigh, she agreed, rearranging her father's tie.

Harry with a smile stood, and soon Amara admired her parents who stood together. What a pair!!

"Have a good day," she wished with a smile, "and DO miss me!!" she then scoffed.

A chuckle escaped from them.

"We will come back soon, and till then, take care!!" Isobel said with a gentle caress at her cheek. Amara nodded with a smile assuring them.

And then followed her sending her parents off to her uncle's house!


Each and every detail of her past, was so perfect! Exactly how it happened! She felt as though she's revisiting her past, could even hear the voices!! The voices which....she missed a lot.

How can this even happen?

The way how she always argues with her father and how he convinces her, teaching her what is right and what is not! She badly missed it, not only his authority and maturity, but also the way they always argued! It always made her happy cause every argument was what she made for fun by nagging and all! Suddenly seeing it now, she missed it! Badly missed it!!

"Why are you showing this all?" Amara yelled, "Why are you torturing me this way??", she thought to spend her day at peace but what did this gift do to her? Is this even a gift??!

However the scenes didn't stop to display.....


Isobel and Harry were in the car, just a few minutes away from Max's house.

Everytime, it was them inviting everyone for the celebration of their anniversary, but surprisingly, Max, their friend expressed his wanting of celebrating their anniversary at his house.

How could they deny their friend's friendly request.

Only if Amara could join as well , would it have been more pleasant.

When they were about to take a turn, a huge truck in front rushed itself towards their car....

The incident came by surprise, more as a shock, "What's happening...why can't the breaks work?" Harry stressed.

" out!!" Isobel screamed out.


Everything happened in instance, their car clashing backwards with a splash speed, hitting a huge rock, tyres didn't make it to balance and soon the car was flipped, clashing against the ground, scratching sounds echoing.

It was terrible.

Isobel and Harry both were bleeding severely. Harry was unconscious, and Isobel can barely move. She saw her husband helpless, her eyes shedding tears.

"Harry..... wake up! Please don't scare me.....!"

Isobel sobbed, "Harry!!", her vision began to fade as she slowly started to drown in the unconsciousness.


"Mom.....Dad!! Stop it.....!!" Amara cried, "Please don't show me anything anymore...please....please stop!!" she shouted in pain.

But it didn't stop to show!

It's terrible.

Very terrible, for, there is a difference between to know the fact and to see the fact, with naked eyes!!

Frustrated, she was about to throw away the paper harshly on the floor but halted when it began to show something more!

Her tear stained eyes restricted the vision, wiping them off, she tried to focus on what else was she supposed to see according to the paper.

Despite feeling the frustration to level where she wished to burn off the paper, she remained her calm.

However, what came ahead, successfully took away her calm, the unimaginable shocking her!!