The Journey To The Past!

Amara immediately pushed herself up, as if trying to escape.....what?!

She looked at her surroundings, it was her room indeed, but, nothing like the one she remembers, things were.....odd!

The open window, didn't she close it cause of the cool winds?

What was happening?!

Her hand instantly reacted, in a trial to calm down her panickness as she tried to adjust her hair and that's when she realised that she still has the paper.


However, her dressing way suddenly grabbed her into senses! Why was she in another outfit? The one....

Her heart skipped a beat at the thought, she immediately scanned the entire place!

All the things which were present in her room were.... different! Her study table was all of random stuff with medicine books, stethoscope carelessly laying on top of those books bundle, colour pens, pencils, eraser, spread all over the table creating a mess, and her phone. Her doctor coat neatly hung to the chair's restwall rather in her wardrobe. Her open closet showcasing some normal, regular wear type clothes.

How did this even.... happen?!

This....she feared this would turn out to be a long yet brief dream!!

Her gaze travelled down, her hand holding the paper still while the metal box was neatly placed on the bed beside her.

"Did this?!" She hesitantly questioned the paper.

No response.

"Is it.....!"

How so....

She was speechless, confused, until she smelled something delicious being cooked. It was the smell of...a toasted bread.

Her eyes widened, her immediately rushing out of her room, carelessly descending down the stairs, leaving behind the paper and box in the room itself.

It was evening that she remembered but it's early morning now, the change in the weather, her room, her dressing, her things, everything, she couldn't shake off these changes which forced her to suspect one thing.

And she secretly wished for that one thing to happen!!

As she rushed down, her steps took a sudden halt, feeling anticipated, her breath came heavy as she meticulously stepped ahead, her eyes which at first feared to see anything now dared to look ahead.

Her heart skipped a beat at the sight of her mother preparing food in the kitchen. Tears swirling in her eyes.

Amara couldn't hold back anymore, rushing to her mother, embracing her from behind.

A gasp escaped Isobel who was startled by the sudden act. Realising her daughter's presence, Isobel eased, turning back in the embrace, gently taking her face into her palms. "Amara?!"

Amara cried at the call, it was two years since she was longing for this call, the voice, the feel. She hugged her mother even tighter as she sobbed.

Harry who was out, taking care of the garden was taken aback by the sobbing sounds that reached him, surprised of what was happening, he came over, only to feel shocked by seeing his daughter cry, early in the morning!

"What's the matter?" He asked concerned as he reached them.

As soon as Amara heard him, her heart skipped a beat again, with a gasp she pushed herself away, taking a clear view of her father before embracing him as well.

Harry looked at his wife confused, his hands stroking her back in an act to console her despite no knowledge about the reason.

It took her minutes to calm, and when she finally felt short at breath, her conscious forced her to take a break, her withdrawing herself, having another clear picture of her parents standing together, infront of her. Assuring herself that everything is for real and she isn't dreaming.

"I missed you both! " Amara cried out.

"What happened to you, Amara?!" Her mother asked confused.

Amara couldn't explain what, how, and why. All she could feel was a mixture of relief about getting to see her parents again and the fear of waking up from a dream again.

Her silence only bothered them more, Harry wiped away her tears, "Is everything....okay, Amara?!" he carefully asked.

She shook her head with a sniff, trying to stable her breath, her heart still pumping out of if its speed, "I just....had a really....bad dream!" she sniffed again, "A....horrible one!!"

Harry laughed, an act that eased her with no particular effort, "It was just a nightmare, then!" he tugged her hair, "Push that dream out of your thoughts."

"And fresh up yourself, it's time for breakfast!" Isobel said with a tap on her head.

Amara unintentionally nodded.

She looked at them for a long moment in silence before ascending stairs, to her room. As soon as she got in, shutting the door, she lost the balance, falling back against the door.

As the fear still remained, she treasured the just-happened. Despite being clueless about everything, her heart swelled in joy.

Her gaze settled on the calender that hung to the wall, it was twenty sixth of February, of twenty twenty-two. Just one week before to the tragedy of her life.

Amara rushed to the paper after her gaze fell over it.

As her hands took it over, she couldn't help but feel greatful of it. She didn't know what did it do, how and why, but, she was greatful for it.

Her thoughts raced back to the incident, those unknown men, the thought that her parents might have an enemy still troubling her.

It didn't only show the reality but also made her come here, which she in no way could define in except as....time travel.

Does that mean....she now has an opportunity her parents?!

Can she?!

The thought brought out every fibre of faith, hope and belief hidden in her, urging and motivating her to do something.


Isobel arranged the breakfast neatly on the dining table, Harry helping her.

As they both had their seats waiting for their daughter, Isobel spoke up, "I feel something is odd about her."

"It was just a dream," Harry convinced her along with himself, "she might have got scared, nothing to worry more?"

Isobel though couldn't shake it off with ease, the way Amara spoke felt different to her somehow!

What did she probably dream about that scared her to the extent where she sobbed?

While her thoughts paced up, as if meant to put them off, Amara descended the stairs, slowly reaching them.

She took every step carefully, scanning her parents, treasuring every possible second and glance, the way how her parents look at her, the way how her mother's delicious cooking smells like, the way how their eyes adoringly stare her and the way how everything felt simply perfect just by their presence.

Amara without taking her gaze away from them, took a seat, her each second passing by her thanking God, the paper and the anonymous gift provider.

"Good-morning" She hesitantly greeted.

Even the wish felt weird for both Harry and Isobel, "Very goodmorning, dear!" they yet greeted back in unison.

She began to have the breakfast with her parents in silence, secretly feeling lucky to have this opportunity again after all the longing, she never even rightfully appreciated it until now, after knowing its value, "Your cooking is the best of all, mother!" she said with a smile before almost immediately looking down her cutlery, "I'll always....cherish it!!"

Harry and Isobel stared her confused, not knowing what had brought this change into her.

"Thank, Amara!" Isobel cleared her voice, "Well, we thought about it and decided to stay back!!"

Harry joined with a nod, "Attending the ceremony is not much important, than you!!" he said with a wink and a smile.

Amara look at them in silence.

As much as she remembered, this was the day before when she argued with her parents, for accepting to attend a ceremony instead of spending the weekend with her.

She even remembered herself avoiding the supper, locking the door almost shutting it on her parents' face, for them not accepting with her.

How rude of her!!

"I apologise for my actions," She sincerely did, "however, I still wish the same and am happy that you both decided to stay back" she smiled faintly in relief.

The thought of spending a whole day with her parents exciting her.

However, Isobel and Harry were speechless for, Amara apologising for something, anything, came by quite rare.

The change was really stunning.