Burning Flames!

"What's it about?!" Amara enquired as she reached further closer to him, however, Amara got startled when Oliver out of blue, pulled her in for an embrace. Her widened eyes; her only instant response.

Amara didn't know how to respond, her hand halting briefly before it stroked his back, easing him, "You seem happy, what's the matter?"

Even before Oliver could say anything, the door creaked open, Sarah entering while Ralph followed in.

Both were taken aback to witness the scene ahead and Oliver realising his actions, pulled himself away.

"What's.... happening?!" Sarah asked hesitatingly.

Amara shrugged while Oliver cleared his voice, a wide smile displaying on his face, "I..." his hand showcasing the letter, "I got selected for crime department!!" he announced.

"I will be a crime reporter from tomorrow!!" He said excited.

Sarah was surprised, "Really?! That's a good news!!!" she exclaimed, reaching him for a hug which Oliver reciprocated. "Congratulations!!"

"Thank you!!" He smiled.

Once Sarah was away from him, Ralph as well joined for a hug, "Finally, your dream come true huh! Congratulations Oliver!! he patted on his shoulder, "All the best!!"

"Thank you so much!!"

"It's your dream of two years, and you achieved it, proud of you Oliver!!" Amara praised patting his shoulder.

He smiled.

It was his dream to become a crime reporter however, he had to join the cultural and entertainment department by the director's request, those days, cultural department really needed some human support.

It was then did she meet him, Oliver. They both had worked a lot to make the cultural department shine so that it won't only be famed through only entertainment news.

Sarah and Ralph joined later, after one year.

Now seeing the man getting his dream achieved, she felt happy, however the thought that he would leave soon somehow bothered.

As if feeling the same, Oliver sighed leaning back on his desk.

"What's with that sigh now? Aren't you happy??" Sarah raised a brow.

Another sigh escaped, "Despite how happy I am, I feel attached to this department, and you guys as well somehow! It isn't easy to just leave!"

"Isn't that difficult as well!!" Ralph assured, "We are just departments away, we still work in the same company, under the same roof!!"

"He's right, you've just got shifted to another department Oliver. We can still meet, and spend time like we always do!" Amara reassured.

Oliver with a faint smile provided a nod.

"Now enough with this sentimental talk, we need party!!" Sarah urged, folding her hands.

Oliver laughed, "Of course, in my home, this evening. Why do you say?"

"Perfect!" Sarah exclaimed.

"I'm all ready if Sarah's ready, she drops me home after all!!" Ralph chuckled.

"At least you realised you depend upon me!!" Sarah smirked.

Oliver shook his head at their chatter with a smile, they will never stop, will they?!

"About you head?!"

Amara thought about it, "I'll be in if my parents are allowed too!"

"Sure!! It's great to have them!!" Oliver exclaimed.

Amara smiled, "Let us work faster to leave early, then!" she motivated.

They all nodded excited. Amara messaged her parents informing about the party.

The day passed by with ease, until it was noon. They have decided to go canteen for lunch, however, Amara paused feeling strange, her hand holding the knob.

What's with this feeling?!

Her bracelet shone for few seconds before it stopped shining.

She for a second thought Zamiel came back, looking her surroundings, however, he didn't.

Then why?!

What's wrong with this feeling.

The feeling as if.... something was going wrong.

Is he..... alright?!

"What stopped you?!" Sarah enquired from distance who probably noticed her stuck.

Amara gave a shook of head, joining them.

However, the feeling remained.

Was she missing him too much that she began to overthink.

With a sigh, she tried to focus on her meal!


Witnessing greenary in the beginning, Zamiel didn't expect the deadlineess the world had unless and until he walked on the ground with decaying matter. As if the evidence of the history unknown, skeletal proof's of once existence, remembering him those wars of his time.

In fact, this was the worst.

A sigh escaped him. As he walked ahead, seeing the dead trees, he couldn't help but wonder what exactly happened here.

Shaking away his thoughts, he moved on, finally getting relieved of that deadly place, which even had given him a sense of negativity.

Yet, the place ahead was not much pleasant either, however it wasn't as worst as the previous one.

Much better.

His steps however halted when he witnessed another cave. Now who else lives here?!

Thinking of to disturb no one again, he decided to quietly move ahead.

Yet, he unintentionally stepped onto something, cursing himself inwardly almost instantly when he realised it.

Zamiel slowly turned back, taking a look at what's under his feet.

It was a tail, as his gaze travelled up, he found a huge dragon looking down at him, making him immediately step back cautiously!

Did he disturb..... him?!

The golden brown dragon was huge, with a forked tongue, sharp spikes and claws. The wings were almost butterfly-like, thick skin and eerie bone structures making up most of the wing and each bone structures ending in a curved, yet blunt tip.

Its long tail ended in a curled tip and was covered in the same scale-like skin as its body.

"Ah!" Zamiel exclaimed, it's huge and tall, isn't it? It was his first time to witness a dragon from this close, remembering all those fairytales and myths he have heard centuries ago. A smile taking over him, "I'm sorry if I disturbed you!"

However, his self-defence was on guard for he disappeared instantly when the dragon threw a dragonflame, aiming at him.

"Ahh, I don't really plan to fight you though!" Zamiel who appeared behind the dragon spoke with a shrug.

The huge being turned back, facing him. Its glare almost making him chuckle.

Hope it understands that he is not a harm!! With a sigh, Zamiel attempted to move, heading towards the cave, so he could cross this place and reach the mountain's peak sooner.

But the dragon didn't let him go, for it started throwing constant fireballs on him, and he had to dodge them all.

Having enough, Zamiel applied his force, pushing the dragon away which collided into a dead tree, it's body scratching against the ground.

"I wanted to go easy, but, you are getting on my nerves!!" Zamiel said with a sigh, his open hand soon summoning his sword, as he took hold of its pommel. "If it's a fight you are wishing for, then why not!!" Zamiel smiled, wielding his burning sword which threw its fire all around.

After having all of its flames dodged, the dragon grew into something aggressive, flying above him, shedding fire rain upon him, making him instantly create an invisible protection layer around him, his sword-held hands held high up.

Its deafening screams paused Zamiel for seconds before he gathering up all his energy twirled, pushing up his sword with all his might, the golden force emanated him pushing the dragon away.

The dragon which defended the strong force applied back on it, struggled to escape it and ended up falling down the ground with a scratching sound, coughing out some blood which was consideringly a pool for him.

"Do not bother my way!!" Zamiel warned calmly before turning back, deciding to go ahead.

Noticing his movement, the dragon as though immediately got up, flying towards him with an attack, its claws piercing his skin, planting a deep wound on his back.

Zamiel halted by the act, couldn't believe himself that he was wounded until his hand which reached back to check returned getting all red. With his blood.

Rage took over him, his hand balling up into a fist, his eyes turning into pure golden, "You don't listen, do you?" a smirk forming on his lips.

Within no matter of time, Zamiel was flying as well, attacking the dragon.

Five more replicas' of him appearing with a sword, circling the dragon, confusing it.

He knew trying to fool a dragon isn't a sustain escape and so, all of his other forms wielded their swords, a golden rope emerging from the swords shackling its four legs and neck, in a locking way.

Terrifying screams escaping from it.

Zamiel deciding to kill this being, shook his head with a sigh, "You brought it upon you, yourself!!", attempting to weild his sowrd which would throw out a death force, however his movements took a halt when a mysteriously deep and demanding voice; "Observe!!", reached him.

Zamiel blinked, what did just happen?!

His raised hand for an attack downed itself slowly as he began to think.

With all the knowledge he had, he could only assume; dragons were the great and legendary beings.

Intelligent, reserved and a living symbolic for royalty.

Then, why would it attack him with no reason and choose to fight?

Not a normal one but one of those as if your life was on the line?


Unless....it took him for any harm.

Or.....has something to protect, with its own life.


Zamiel, taking a deep breath, took a clear note of the being, which still struggled being locked.

His eyes widened at the realisation.

Why didn't he notice it ahead?!

All of its features told him only one, for he could never forget those myths!

Was it really a..... dragonshifter?!

Can it?

With another deep breath, his eyes became normal, all his other selfs' disappearing, freeing the being, him slowly landing on the ground while it looked down at him confusingly.

If he wasn't wrong, it can....shift into a human, can't it?!

"I would like to talk to you!" He expressed, "In human form, of course!", an addition.