Path To Peace

Over the course of the next day, Kir settled into his position as Duke.

For his first hour, he took introductions from the gathered generals and their captains. Each general was at least equivalent to what he could remember of General Sreev, a gnossinian who served Maledict. They had strong auras that ranged from green to blue, with The captains felt equivalent to the Valrian Knight Elders, but without the decrepitude of age holding them back.

Hazzarn was the strongest amongst them, though according to Char, one General Zazel had been stronger, but was presently indisposed. Something about having no eyes to see...

Afterward, when Kir dismissed the tent, Char outright said that Zazel should be executed for failing to protect the previous Duke.

"I'm not about to execute someone just because they failed once in service to my enemy," Kir said.

"You have yet to execute anyone, Duke Kir. Especially that assassin. It makes you seem weak," Char replied.