Place Of Pride

In the Knights Hall of Isegart, Kir stood before what remained of the Valrian Order as eight Knight Elders shouted him down the moment he stopped speaking.

"Out of the question!" "We don't need your help, demon!" "It's a trick! The moment we let them in, they'll kill everyone that remains!" The five old men shouted while two out of the three old women elected to frown down at Kir. The last one slept.

Eight heads without a leader meant that it was a while before the room calmed, and Kir waited behind the small pulpit placed before them, trying to control the agitation he felt from the tips of his horns down to his tail.

Aside from the nine leaders, Rena stood at Kir's elbow and the rest of the room was filled with Knights, city guards, and prominent city-state citizens.