something that I would like to see 3

I forgot to mention I will be checking within a week to see it any person use my ideas so I could be entertained what other people make using my ideas it kind of feel nice in my opinion anyhow let's continue with this this kind of related to the undertale one but pretty much I want more sense base ones specifically judgment art I want to see a ability or I guess I don't finger not pretty much based on judgment like the more sins you do the words of the punishment will be like I believe there is one I used to read not pretty much a whole concept it's about sending people to a place I to pay for them since I'm at the guy is it powerful it's just a system itself is pretty interesting like they were just part when the guy the main character made a cover bands and he have a belly to see if they were evil or not and I'll be evil so you can set them after being them to a prison but I guess back then he will pretty much at beast with poison water and you pretty much forces them to build a prison now the guy is in powerful so he can send everyone to prison you know who is evil like they were this part when the guy meet a couple of guys they were pretty little but the way to powerful so he couldn't send them to prison long story short the guy who created they haven't finished it well to my knowledge so I don't know I'm not being someone can create something similar to that now most like no one most likely don't know why you called heck even I don't know why you call yet I just remember it was a very good story and I always want to read more about it just never continue again I meant I guess you can put down praise on your search bar and you can find it I guess not that pretty low I guess I have been talking for a little bit too long so long so short maybe someone tried to find the store I am talking about and maybe they could trade it like the guy have totally stopped using it and all that stuff so it should be okay I just wish there at least can you add Lee's at the end like I'm not expecting you to wait once I chapters about how the guy finally felt satisfied I'm just I don't know crazy single chapter summarizing the whole guy story if you're not going to continue with it I just hate when you get to a cliffhanger and you know it won't be ever finished that's why I hope anyone that reading this you plan on to cut on my chapter short at least give it a good ending and the very least