main character golden finger ideas 1

Here's another idea I would like to see someone use it pretty much the customer system but heavily little leans and you can't sell equal exchange like for example this system works purely by acoustic it's pretty complex of how much it would give like for example it works by how valuable the object is how useful it could be in this case your character need to know how potentially useful it could be to increase the value of it I know it isn't much or how many of it is ETC but pretty much works like the custom made system but unlike the other one that you pretty much limited to you can actually ask stuff to the system to make it better like at the beginning a pretty dry bone won't even have a way to actually store the trading object but over time you may have way to start like training points or something like that it pretty much approves at the character trace it and of course it would be expensive to actually change something in the system I think it would be very interesting