another call ability for your main characters

Okay I have a potentially a golden finger ability okay what if there was a ability where you can basically make whatever you want but you have to make it yourself just to clarify you pretty much get the blueprint of the creation you want to make and what resources it need to send make it but you need to get it and actually make the thing meaning you have the potential of directly making I don't know a pen that can create the universe for example but you have to be the equivalent or even higher Crafter I've said it it pretty much the perfect crafting base story you know like the force master or something like that I hope you make something like that in the future using this ability I honestly think it would be interesting at the very least describing how it would you make it like that very old story about a old guy who lost one of his arms due to a burglary accident but happens to be a very great forger or Crater per se so he enters the did you know world to continue crafting and many interesting and curious ways I remember he created a machine like wolf and he used this Crystal that Mickey has such that over time it adds more wolf like per se he even have a queen bee with him as well and last time before I well signed off he was collecting some artifacts to give a girl back from her continuing sleep by memory I believe the reason why I stop is because I never really liked the lock chapters never really my style