I just found it

I just found the story it's called spending my retirement in a game it's honestly won the greatest ones ever if it wasn't for the lock chapters I probably still going with it to this day even trust me though he's one of the amazing ones especially with the detailed crafting part of it like oh okay I explain this this most story just simply say I'm done cracking it or once I finish it in short did it pretty much skip the whole process of actually making it this this though is amazing it explains in detail how to bloody make it sure you need like magical items or something like that but it was amazing my biggest and favorite one so far or at least back then was the Great Wolf creation and explains in detail how to meet the muscles how the brain works how basically everything is created to make that artifact or whatever it will be count as to be honest I would love to see a reassurance of this story it is just amazing I would love to see more stories that are based around this it doesn't even have to be complex and PSY the only other story I know of that do it similar thing is called well I can't remember what exactly called but I know it had the word picture the one that you make me machinery in a magical world or something like that you know like making a machinery robot and stuff like that it's the only one that I know of other than that one that actually use a system like it but there are two problems that I personally don't like about it unlike the spending my retirement in a video game this one is more beginner level it doesn't really add that whole magical touch to it at the very least I expect for something that is at least in a magical sense of the word magical base it doesn't even have to be anything complex just say your idea of room to the machine to make it more efficient per se and my second problem is well the main character itself you see this main character don't want to spend is ask you if you points. The only time that I know for a fact that he actually spent it was at the very beginning story when you put it like I believe 10 in strength and he managed to beat a well maybe a boxster or a gang member I can't exactly remember but supposedly it was painful so we don't want to do it anymore the worst part about the whole thing is the guy was like intelligence was at 9:00 just putting one point into it would make it a 10 and I always feel pissed about it because you just building stuff points that are basically garbage why even bother making anything you're not going to use is what the system give you it's just stupid thing I'm more pissed off about is the creation itself it doesn't exactly have a sort of interesting flair compared to well why previously said depend on simply if I had to compare that story compared to spending my retirement in a video game I will compare to like a book leg version of that specific game that's what I would compare it to Plus it was on DC and the technology of what he's creating like nowhere close to it the highest thing that he ever created with like a very low-end version of a AI inside a Droid that you can legit by under $100 by this point you might as well just go to a scrap yard and make you own Droid or flying machine at the very least it be cheaper than doing this which part and you know where I like since I've been mentioning the guys story unlike the other one that I didn't even try to find yet I might make another chapter to tell you what the story is about or what it says to clarify or how to find it yeah who cares and you think I hate about is one actually knows how to actually crap and the other one it just when you go on Google and type down how to build a helicopter that's the level I am currently feeling when I read that one that I don't like when the other one is well the guy actually knows what is going on if I had to compare and further one is a experienced rider and the other one it's like a teenager decide to create a story overnight basically stupid to compare it it basically saying comparing the sky over the ground or the controversy it comparing heaven and Earth and I didn't all of those things I don't like the main character of DMC of that other story not spending my retirement on a video game one at the very least nose you need to feel pain to improve but this one even despite his weak carnation even despite how many stories of something is created and despite I even the original owner of said body at the very least knows how important that is the guy chicken out over some pain like compared to any other MCs it just stupid even leave a quote unquote metal scar about it like MC's getting a mental scar when somebody nightmarishly bad happen to them send me to any other person but this guy after spending all the points and get a gray amount of pain I expect this guy to spend small quantities of it like spending a point every level up on each strength and intelligence but no the guy just refuse doing it not even bothering increasing the intelligence knowing how important that is like iron Man for example or Batman or any other smart avenger or smart being if he just put all the points in there I'm probably won't even mind or even care about it but you just wasting them just stupid and shrinking okay don't get me wrong or even both but no not even you get what I'm saying here it just stupid to be on I won't be surprised at that specific one probably already in the end it and you sorry for making this one a long chapter down by anyone will read all this though well if someone actually meant to read this well have a good day try not to complain so much like I usually do on these and once you have a idea but you don't know how to make it why not do what I do and just explain your concept so other people will create your story or in this situation their story using your element at all if you know how to create the skeleton then all you need to do is see if other people will fill up the rest honestly I think that my goal in this whole story creation thing just put in ideas so if someone who is stuck on a art block or something can use them to well create something plus I think I'm unconsciously using them or using this as a sort of diary to vent at all I'm not planning on or using it to spell out any personal information so don't get too excited but generally when I get too angry or something like that well I hope your day is good and I hope you will have a good year the end