The Elite Hunter

Felix was a short man with sharp eyes. He had passed through a lot in his life, struggling from a slum. Compared to others in the group, Felix was the one that had the most experience in the underworld. 

He often took assassination missions with his mastery of dagger and bow.

His ability was also very suited for that activity. A master of shadow.

"I am just stating the obvious. We are not on a crucial mission. Suspecting things without any reason will just raise the risk. 

We are all veterans here; we should know what to do."

"Keep our plans to ourselves and just act based on the situation. Hahaha." A man cut in with a laugh. He had golden hair and blue eyes.

Glasses were perched on his nose. "Felix, you never change. Do you forget you also acted the same when we first met?"

"Shut up. I don't want to hear it from an eccentric like you. At least my habit is to raise my chances.