Chaotic Law

'I will just use them if I have no more choice then. How about the goblin kingdom?'

In this span of time, Alex had moved the goblin populace to Edonia. 

The goblins were his first people. He also started considering putting the rune on those who have followed him the longest, like Patricia and VexGore. This would enhance their strength, and he felt confident in their loyalty.

'The goblin kingdom is doing well. As they are already more educated, it's easy to manage them. 

When will we start mixing them with the elves?'

'Just put it in the education program for now, paint each other in a good way. Anyway, Vesa, how far can you teleport us?'

'Based on the situation, I am sure I could teleport King and the group directly to your father's city, but since King wants to look for your mother, I doubt you want to do that.'

'Yeah, just bring us outside the border. Since we can teleport now, there is no reason to inform that old fox.'