
Xue Fang nodded, agreeing with YanYu, then tried to convince MingHao again. But he didn't budge; this was not just about YanYu, but for MingHao, it was a way to get even stronger.

In frustration, Xue Fang said, "If you are so adamant, fine, then let me check it inside your inner world."

Xue Fang and MingHao exchanged gazes in silence. Allowing someone stronger to enter your inner world is something that requires absolute trust.

As for before, he only entered YanYu's because of an emergency.

Otherwise, God knows what she could do inside him.

"You don't trust me? I can sign a blood contract. I will not send a spirit stronger than you. 

And honestly speaking, I don't know what weird thing you did before, but if I don't use my puppet, I doubt I can win fighting with you."