Blue Lotus?

MingHao then tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. He could try to forcefully push it open using lifeforce energy, but he felt like it was wasting it. 

His energy was limited, and only MingYue could refuel it for now. So he wanted to keep it just in case of emergencies.

"Let me try," Xue Fang suggested.

Two puppets came out. This time, both were 1.5 times the size of an average human body. Their hands were more muscular and longer, making them look like apes.

Both of them started sprinting toward the door. Loud sounds could be heard. It was like someone was bashing against a huge metallic door.

Each time, the metal groaned and bent a little from the impact. From the gap, MingHao could see a pile of rock and debris. This made him suspect that the exit was in the Xueqi family's old mansion.