A New Threat

The grand hall of the king's palace was a blend of traditional elegance and understated power. Wooden beams stretched across the ceiling, adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures. Tatami mats covered the floor, and the soft light filtered through shoji screens, casting delicate patterns on the walls.

The king sat on an elevated platform, his presence commanding and regal. He wore elaborately decorated robes that hinted at his mastery over the mystical forces that protected his realm. Around him, his advisors were engaged in a formal discussion, their voices hushed and respectful.

"Resources from the northern provinces have been plentiful this season," one advisor said, bowing slightly. "But there are growing concerns about the recent disputes along the eastern border"

Another advisor nodded in agreement. "The enforcement of your decrees has been effective, Your Majesty. However, we must remain vigilant against any signs of dissent"

Suddenly, the sliding doors of the hall burst open. A soldier, breathless and covered in dust, stumbled in. His sudden entrance caused a ripple of unease among the advisors.

"Your Majesty!" the soldier gasped, struggling to catch his breath. "Forgive my intrusion, but I bring urgent news"

The king's eyes narrowed, and he gestured for the soldier to continue. "Speak!" he commanded, his voice calm but edged with authority.

The soldier straightened, mustering his composure. "Foreign soldiers have been spotted within our borders. They are equipped with advanced technology, unlike anything we have seen. They bear the insignia of the Akadian Empire"

A murmur of disbelief spread among the advisors. The king's expression darkened. "The Akadian Empire?" he repeated, his voice laced with concern. "How is this possible? The barrier should prevent any outsiders from entering this world"

"I do not know, Your Majesty" the soldier replied. "So far, they haven't made any attack against our men"

The king fell silent, his mind racing. After a moment, he addressed his advisors. "We must investigate how these intruders breached our defenses. Double the patrols and increase the security around the barrier's perimeter"

One advisor bowed "Yes, Your Majesty!"

The king then raised his hand again. "And summon Captain Kenji!" he commanded.

A few moments later, another soldier entered, this one clad in the distinctive armor of the king's elite guard. His presence exuded confidence and strength.

"Captain Kenji," the king said, his tone solemn, "Akadian soldiers have been reported to have entered this world through unknown means. You are to lead a squad to eliminate these intruders. They are a threat to our kingdom's security, and their presence cannot be tolerated"

Kenji bowed deeply. "I will not fail you, Your Majesty. The intruders will be dealt with swiftly"

"Good" the king replied, his eyes glinting with determination. "Be wary that their technology far surpasses our own. But do everything in your power to stop them. Go forth, for honor and the glory of Lamria"

Kenji nodded and turned to leave, his mind already formulating a plan of attack. The king watched him go, confident that his elite captain would handle the situation with precision and ruthlessness.

After Kenji exited the palace, he made his way to the barracks, he was joined by a young Lieutenant, Shinaka Mori, who had been waiting for him.

"Captain," Shinaka greeted him with a respectful nod. "What are our orders?"

Kenji glanced at her, his expression serious. "We have a situation. Akadian soldiers have breached our borders and are currently within our realm"

Shinaka's eyes widened slightly, but she maintained her composure. "Akadian soldiers? How did they get past the barrier?"

"I don't know" Kenji replied "His majesty has ordered us to eliminate them. Their technology will surely be far more advanced than ours, so we must exercise caution"

As they approached the barracks, Kenji gathered the rest of his men. He then briefed them on the situation.

"Our enemy is technologically superior" Kenji warned. "We cannot afford to underestimate them. Lieutenant Mori, you will lead the reconnaissance team. Gather as much information as you can about their numbers, equipment, and movements"

Shinaka nodded, her expression determined "Understood, Captain. We won't let you down"

Kenji placed a hand on her shoulder "I know you won't" He then turned to the others "The rest of you, prepare for combat"

The men responded all at once "Yes sir!"

The squad then dispersed to carry out their orders. As Kenji watched them go, his mind focused on the task ahead. The Akadian soldiers had made a grave mistake by entering their realm, and he was determined to show them the true strength of the Lamria kingdom.


117 stood at the edge of the camp, his eyes scanning the forest. The faint sounds of 309 and the other troopers patching up 553 drifted to him. 553 winced in pain but remained stoic, a testament to his resilience. 117 took a deep breath and turned towards Yami's home, his footsteps crunching softly on the forest floor.

Yami sat by a small fire, her expression thoughtful as she stared into the flames. The room was filled with various artifacts and symbols of Armenthian culture, adding to the atmosphere of quiet reflection. 117 entered, his presence a stark contrast to the serene setting.

"Thank you for seeing me, Yami. There's something important I need to discuss" 117 said, his voice tinged with urgency.

Yami glanced up and nodded, patting the space beside her, inviting him to sit "Of course, Priad. What troubles you?"

117 took off his helmet and sat down, his eyes locking onto Yami's with a determined gaze. "One of my men encountered a fierce warrior in the forest. He barely escaped the fight and is now being patched up by my men, as we speak. He also got the name of the Armenthian warrior who attacked him"

"Who is it?"

"Riu Tanaka. Same last name as yours. Who is she?"

Yami sighed deeply, the firelight casting shadows on her face "Riu is my sister. She's always been… different. Bold and unyielding, even as a child. She has never accepted the kingdom's rule and has made it her mission to challenge their authority at every turn"

117 leaned in, intrigued and concerned. "Not only did she just attack us, but she has also sided with Faith. Why is that?"

Yami widened her eyes but remained calm and composed. She then sighs in a tired tone "Riu probably sees anyone with power as a threat, especially those who come from outside our world. She believes you are here to conquer us, like the kingdom. She's trying to protect our people in her own way, through strength and defiance"

"I suppose, that's a reason why she would do it" 117 mused, understanding dawning in his eyes.

"But If I may ask, your men managed to fight her off alone. Did he perhaps manage to wound her as well?"

117 raised his eyebrow "How did you know?"

Yami smiled teasingly "Riu usually goes into a fight without getting wounded, and anyone who fought her, rarely comes out of the battle alive. I imagine your men must have left quite an impression on her"

117 chuckles "We have experience facing stronger enemies than us. Still, he was just lucky"

"I see" Yami looks down, disappointed that Riu has become 117's enemy.

117 sighed, rubbing his forehead. "This complicates things. We'll try not to kill her, but with how strong she is, it might not be possible. Not to mention, fighting on multiple fronts will only lead to more bloodshed"

Yami's voice softened as she replied, "I believe you can, Priad. Perhaps she might understand your reason for being here if you can show it to her"

117 nodded, determination replacing the worry in his eyes. Yami watched him closely, then reached for a small pouch by her side, filled with a gentle, sleep-inducing herb.

"You've been through a lot, Priad. You need to rest. Let the herbs help you sleep," Yami said gently, as she sprinkled the herbs into the fire.

Confused but too tired to resist, 117 asked, "What are you…?"

The soothing scent of the herbs filled the air. 117's eyes grew heavy, and he tried to fight the drowsiness but eventually succumbed, falling down to Yami's lap and into a deep, peaceful sleep.

"Good night, Priad. May your sleep brings you clarity" Yami whispered as 117 fell asleep.

The fire crackled softly as Yami tended to it, ensuring 117 remained undisturbed. The room was peaceful, with only the soft sounds of the forest outside.