
The soft rustle of pages and the faint smell of old paper filled the library, creating a sanctuary of knowledge amidst the chaos of their training grounds. Young Trooper 117, who look like he is no older than sixteen, carefully navigated the tall shelves, searching for the books Mia had requested. His mind was focused, yet the peaceful ambiance of the library offered a rare moment of tranquility.

As he rounded a corner, his eyes landed on a figure he didn't recognize. Sitting at a large wooden table, surrounded by a small fortress of books, was a girl about his age. Her long hair cascaded over her shoulders as she pored over a hefty tome, completely absorbed in her reading.

117 hesitated for a moment, curiosity piqued. He glanced at the title of the book she was engrossed in: "Advanced Robotics and AI Systems" The topic intrigued him, and he found himself drawn to the girl and her dedication.

Before he could second-guess himself, the girl looked up, sensing his presence. She quickly turned away, a faint blush coloring her cheeks "W-What are you staring at? Haven't you ever seen someone reading before?"

117 blinked, his expression blank "I was ordered to retrieve some books for Professor Narukami (Mia Narukami)" he said flatly.

Faith's blush deepened, but she quickly masked it with a huff "Well, don't just stand there like an idiot. Sit down if you're going to be here"

"Understood," 117 said, taking the seat next to her.

Faith then continues reading, while talking with 117 without looking at him "Hey, what's your name?"

"Trooper 117"

Faith's eyes narrowed slightly "That's such a boring name. Who decided on that?"

"It is my designation" 117 replied, his tone devoid of emotion.

Faith sighed, rolling her eyes. "Well, I'm Faith. Nice to meet you, Trooper 117" She glanced at the list in his hand "So, what books are you looking for?"

117 handed her the list Mia had given him, his movements precise and mechanical. Faith glanced over it with interest. "Some heavy reading here. I should have guessed Sis would want these"

"Professor Narukami is efficient in her tasks," 117 replied. "What is the subject of your book?"

Faith's eyes lit up with excitement, though she quickly tried to hide it. "It's about the latest advancements in robotics and AI systems. Not that you would understand, but I find it incredible how technology is evolving"

117 nodded stiffly. "That is... a logical approach"

Faith's expression softened a bit, despite herself. "You know, it's okay to be curious. You can ask questions"

"I do not have questions. My focus is on training and completing assigned tasks" 117 responded.

Faith sighed, exasperated. "You really are just a trooper, huh? No curiosity at all?"

117's gaze remained fixed ahead. "Curiosity is secondary to duty"

"Well, maybe you should try being curious for once" Faith muttered. She paused, then added, almost shyly, "You know, it's okay to have a name. A real one, not just a number"

117 tilted his head slightly. "A name?"

"Yeah" Faith said, a bit more confidently. "How about... Priad? It means 'loyal' in an old language I read about. Seems fitting for someone like you"

117 considered this for a moment. "Priad. Acknowledged"

Faith smiled, though she quickly masked it with a huff. "Don't get the wrong idea. It's not like I did it for you or anything. I just thought it was better than calling you a number"

The conversation flowed, albeit more stiltedly, with Faith doing most of the talking. She spoke about her life with Mia, her hopes for the future, and her dreams that she wanted to achieve. 117 listened, his responses brief and factual.

"You know" Faith said, her voice softening, "I always wondered what it would be like to live in a world without war. A place where we could just... be ourselves, without all the fighting and the training"

117's response was measured. "A world without conflict is theoretically beneficial for productivity and longevity"

Faith's smile was wistful, her eyes distant as if imagining such a world. "Maybe one day"

The two sat in silence for a moment, the weight of their dreams and the stark reality of their present hanging between them. The library, with its timeless aura, seemed to offer a brief respite from their burdens.

Their moment of peace was interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. Mia entered the library, her eyes narrowing as she saw 117 sitting with Faith. Her right arm, a sleek and advanced prosthetic, glinted under the library's lights. "Trooper 117! What is taking so long?" she demanded, her tone sharp. "You were supposed to get the books and return immediately"

117 stood up quickly, his posture rigid. "Apologize, Professor Narukami"

Mia's eyes softened slightly as she looked at Faith, recognizing her "So you've met the little brat" She sighed "Well, whatever. Go to the training area. Your scheduled training has already started, so go make up for it"

"Yes Ma'am!" 117 said, giving Faith a brief nod before turning to leave.

Faith watched him go, a mixture of amusement and curiosity in her eyes.

As 117 left the library, the echoes of their conversation lingered in his mind. Though he didn't fully grasp the emotions Faith had shared, a small part of him felt a faint flicker of something—an inkling of curiosity about the world beyond his duties.

Suddenly, the familiar surroundings began to warp and twist, as if reality itself was folding in on him. The walls of the library melted away, leaving him suspended in an endless, empty white space. He blinked, feeling the weight of his current self settle back onto his shoulders. He realized he was dreaming.

Before him, a figure began to materialize from the void, coalescing into the shape of a young girl. She was ethereal, almost ghostly, with an otherworldly glow emanating from her. Her eyes were deep pools of wisdom and mystery, far older than her youthful appearance suggested.

"You seek the truth of your past, Priad" the girl said, her voice resonating in the vast emptiness. "To uncover it, you must destroy the barrier that protects this planet"

Priad took a step forward, his mind racing with questions. "Who are you? And why must I destroy the barrier?"

The girl raised a hand, silencing him with a gentle gesture. "There is much you do not understand yet. For now, only do as I say and your path will be clear"

She took a step closer, her gaze piercing through him "The barrier is located at the heart of the planet. It is a place of great power and danger, but you must find a way to breach it"

"The heart of the planet?"

"One more thing, Priad. When you face the Armenthian guard, Shinaka Mori, do not kill her"

"Why?" Priad asked, confusion and urgency in his voice "What's so important about her?"

But before the girl could answer, the white space around them began to tremble and collapse, fragments of the dream shattering and dissolving into nothingness. The girl started to fade away, her form dissipating like mist.

"Remember my words, Priad" she said, her voice echoing as she disappeared.

The last remnants of the white space crumbled, and 117 felt himself being pulled back to consciousness. His eyes fluttered open, and he found himself staring up at Yami, her expression one of gentle concern.