
117 woke up, the strange weight of his dream lingering in his mind. He found himself in Yami's house, the darkness of the night can be seen through the windows. Yami was sitting nearby, her eyes filled with concern as she watched him stir.

"Good evening, Priad" she asked softly.

He relaxed slightly but kept his guard up "What happened? Where am I here?"

"You merely fell asleep" Yami explained "And you are still in my house"

117's eyes narrowed as he sat up and scrutinized her "No thanks to you. What are you trying to do?"

"I'm merely granting you an audience with her, as she requested" Yami replied calmly.

"She?" 117 was reminded of the girl he met in his dream.

Yami leaned closer, curiosity evident in her eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No" 117 said sharply "But I did learn something significant. The barrier... it's located at the heart of the planet"

Yami's eyes widened slightly "The heart of the planet?"

"I have nothing other than that. Do you know where it is?"

Yami nodded "I do. It won't be easy. The heart of the planet is a dangerous and heavily guarded place. But with our combined efforts, we might stand a chance"

"Not so fast" 117 stood up, still wary "There's still some things I need to ask. For starters, you mentioned that you were granting me an audience with her. Who is she?" Referring to the young girl he met in his dream.

Yami also stood up, then bowed apologetically to him "I'm sorry. I can't answer that question. However, there is something you should know about me" She puts her hand on her chest "I am more than just the leader of this village. I am a loyal follower of the goddess Norion. She guides me, grants me insights and abilities that have helped protect my people"

117's eyes narrowed further. "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"I have 2 reasons" Yami said softly "The first, is to confirm my suspicion that you all seem to have lost your memories. Because by now, you should have pointed your rifle at me for being a follower of the goddess"

As Yami guessed correctly, 117 crosses his hands to hide his worry "And second?"

"I needed you to trust me enough to understand. My allegiance to the goddess doesn't change our common goal. Destroying the barrier"

117's distrust was evident, but he nodded "For now, we work together. I'll brief my men on the situation. You get yours ready as well"

Yami nodded, accepting his caution "I understand"

With that, 117 turned and left the house. The alliance with Yami was fragile, but for now, it was their best chance at destroying the barrier and leaving this planet.

He then stepped into the makeshift medical tent where 553 was lying on a cot. Trooper 309 carefully tending to his wounds. 553's eyes flicked up as 117 entered, his expression a mix of frustration and determination.

"How are you holding up, 553?" Priad asked, his tone even but concerned.

"I've been better" 553 replied, grimacing slightly as 309 tightened a bandage. "But I'm not down for the count yet"

"Just what I wanted to hear. Get better, 553" 117 replied with a happy tone.

117 then moved to a quieter corner and activated his communicator "421, come in. This is 117"

421's voice crackled through the device. "421 here, reading you loud and clear"

"Any updates on contacting high command?"

"Yeah, I've managed to contact them some time ago. They've sent a fleet to our location, but they can't pinpoint the planet. I've already explained the situation with the barrier but they don't seem to believe everything I said. The least I can do is negotiate some time for us to take it down before they're going to be recalled"

"How much time do we have?"

"48 hours"

117's jaw tightened. "Looks like we'll have to be quick. Alright, maintain contact keep me updated"

"Will do"

117 ended the call and took a moment to process the information. The pressure was on. They had to destroy the barrier within the next few days or risk being stranded indefinitely, as well as surrounded by the kingdom's army.

Turning back to 553, 117 stepped closer "553, sorry to rush your recuperation, but I need you to do something"

553 nodded without hesitation "It's fine. What do you need?"

117 gave a slight nod, a hint of a plan forming in his mind.


Sometime later, the early morning light filtered through the dense canopy, casting a warm glow over the forest clearing. Faith stretched as she walked over to Riu's house, feeling the sting of her healing wounds less intensely than the days before. The serene morning was broken only by the rhythmic sounds of someone training intensely nearby.

Faith followed the sound and found Riu behind the house, moving with a fluid grace as she practiced with her weapons. Despite the recent battles, Riu's movements were sharp and energetic, her recovery almost unbelievable.

"You're up early" Faith remarked, walking over. "And recovered quickly, it seems"

Riu grinned, not missing a beat in her routine. "Can't let a little wound slow me down. I thrive on challenges, remember?"

Faith watched her for a moment, then nodded "You did tell me that you heal faster. Anyway, mind if I join you?"

"Not at all" Riu replied, stepping back and motioning for Faith to take a stance "Show me what you've got"

Faith summoned her Nano drones, forming them into sleek, bladed weapons attached to her arms. She and Riu sparred lightly at first, their movements a blend of advanced technology and raw skill. Riu's strikes were powerful and precise, while Faith's drones adapted to every move, parrying and countering with mechanical efficiency.

After a while, they took a break, sitting down on a fallen log. Faith wiped the sweat from her brow and glanced at Riu. "By the way, I saw Priad and his men earlier," she said, her tone serious. "They were heading in that direction." She pointed towards the dense forest to the east.

Riu's eyes widened with recognition "Huh. If I recall, that way leads to the forbidden area" she said, her voice tinged with concern "They must be looking for trouble if they're heading there"

Faith raised her eyebrow "What's over there?"

Riu shrugged "No idea. I only know that place is heavily guarded by the Kingdom's army. They won't let anyone approach easily"

"If they're heading there, then that means they're going to fight" Faith's eyes lit up with a sudden idea. "What if we use that to our advantage? We let the Kingdom's army engage Priad's men, and we slip through the chaos to target Priad specifically. If we take him out, his men will be thrown into confusion, making it easier for the Kingdom's forces to defeat them"

Riu grinned, impressed by Faith's strategic thinking. "Risky but simple. It could work"

"Alright. Let's plan things out from there"

They spent the next hour refining their plan, considering every angle and possibility. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, they stood up, their resolve stronger than ever.

"We're ready" Riu said, a fierce determination in her eyes. "Let's bring them down"

Faith nodded, her expression equally resolute "For my sister" she whispered, more to herself than to Riu.

The two women shared a nod of understanding. They then prepare their supplies and head out to face the troopers and avenge Mia.