Chapter 9

It's the day after my awakening as a superhuman. After a morning jog, I had breakfast at home before leaving again. This time, my destination is the slum again. To learn more about my magic from Bob and the others.

I tried once altering the magic formula inside the magic circle in my head. I just need to change the imagination and the understanding of the magic in my head. So rather than following the book, I thought of it by myself. Though I still have to draw it by myself.

And it works! I can now make the broken box cutter stronger and won't even bend when I use my power as a level 1 warrior to break it.

That's enough for me to know that I can alter Enchant magic to however I want. I'll think about it later as I'm going to ask Bob about the magic circle.

I didn't even bother to get my second free magic book. I'll learn a new one in the slum if I have the time today.

I ride the scooter to the slum. If possible, I want a dirt bike instead. I'll get my own money in the future and buy it.

I heard that in Hero Academy, as long as you're attending that place, you are considered as Heroes and you're allowed to enter Dungeons. And from there, you can get money. I'll do that when I attend the academy.

There will be a lot of competition. Even in my class we already have eleven superhumans including me. And I don't know how many of us will compete for a place in the Hero Academy. And there are a lot more superhumans just from my school. There will be a lot more from other schools.

I don't need to be the best. But of course I want to be the best. Though I won't try too hard to be the best. I think I will gain too much attention because of it.

I'll try to just put effort moderately there and become a Hero in the future. Just for having the license to work as a Hero will allow me to use my power freely.

If I could become the strongest then that would be great. No one will dare to pick a fight against me. Though for me, that would be boring it seems.

I love fighting. Should I be happy just by fighting monsters in Dungeons?

I'll think about it more in the future. I'm still a high school student who is considering his future path. I just want the license to be a Hero without actually wanting to be a Hero myself.

Well, even when I'm old, it won't be too late to go to college as well. I might consider going to one. Though after the stress I had in just one semester of college in my past life, I might need to think of taking other major.

I didn't ride the scooter to the slum. I parked it in a nearby parking area and walk to the slum.

"Bob is waiting for you," said the guy near the entrance of the slum.

Why is he always there saying that? He did that yesterday as well.

I meet Bob finally and he's alone in his room. So I asked him about magic circle.

"What do you know about magic circle?" I asked.

"It's the main way magicians used magic in the past. Nowadays, magicians don't even bother to memorize them. Because they will appear in your mind as long as you call the name of the magic. What about it?"

Obviously, the use of magic words or chants, I'll call how we use magic today that way from now on, has existed long before Bob was born. So magic circle and the symbols meaning have been totally forgotten. It seems like no one can translate the codes inside the magic circle anymore.

"Actually, I can read them. The magic formula inside the circle," I said so casually.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Actually, I learned Enchant magic. I can use it after a few tries and got tired doing it last night. But this morning, when I tried altering the magic formulas inside the magic circle, it works. I can use magic like magicians of the past could," I said.

"What? How?!"

Obviously Bob is curious about it. Should I tell him that I'm a reincarnator and I learned it from someone in my past life?

I think that's a good idea. Because I don't know who my master really is. I don't even know his name. He only told me to call him Master. But maybe Bob who has been living in this world for a long time can tell who he is.

I know I read a lot of stories about reincarnator. Most of them never told anyone that they were reincarnated. But I'm not like that. I don't mind telling it to the people I can trust. And Bob is someone I can trust. I think. So I'm going to tell him.

"Actually, I-AAAARGH!!!"

While I was about to tell him something, I suddenly got electrocuted. I didn't touch anything and I don't think Bob attacked me with magic. Something just happened that made me electrocuted.

"Kaiser! Don't think about saying it anymore!"

As soon as I did as he says, I no longer feel any pain. Just lying on the floor to calm myself down.

And without hesitation, Bob approached me and with his hand in front of my chest, he uses his magic.


That must be a chant for his magic. I guess it's to reveal something.

Then, something started covering my whole body. Something black with a pattern like tattoos.

"Oh, wow. My mom will get angry if she sees this," I said.

"Not just angry. She will go crazy. It's not just tattoo. It's a curse. Kaiser, somehow you have been cursed by someone," Bob said.

Then the patterns on my body leave and gather in the empty air above me who is still lying still. I then stood up and now they are in front of me.

"Hmm? No, it's not a curse. It's just magic. But I guess a curse is considered as magic," I said.

"Just who would curse you?"

"Wait a minute. Let me read them. As I said, they're magic. It means that they use magic circle with magic formulas inside. And I can read magic formulas. Let me read them for a while."

The symbols floated in front of me without magic circle. But after reading it, I understand. Circle is not important for magic. Magic formula is the most important part. The circle is just a container for your magic formulas. And it can be anything.

For this so-called curse, it uses my soul as the container. And the one who cursed me was my master.

It is a curse that made me reincarnated. Then the part of the writing that lets me reincarnated disappeared. According to what it says, once you have read that part, it will disappear. So now a part of the curse has been fulfilled.

Rather than a curse, it's more like conditions. I'm not really cursed after all. But that's what the people of this world recognized this as.

"It says that I can't tell anyone about some things that only I know. I can read the symbols inside magic circle and tell other people that I can do it. But I can't teach it to anyone it seems. If I do, I will get shocked. It won't kill me, but I won't be able to do anything while I'm electrocuted," I said.

"Why would someone do that?"

It doesn't say that. But I can pretty much guess that it's really a magic cast by my master. Allowing my soul to transfer to another world as a baby after I died in my world.

The reason? There's a message from my master here saying that this is his original world and to enjoy my life here. There's no other message. Just that.

Is it considered as his kindness? I'll take it as such. Because I never thought that I will be alive again after I died.

"Can't say that or I will get electrocuted. Anyway, I will be fine unless I say things that are… unspeakable. And I can remove this curse once I reach level 8 as a magician at least," I said.

"Level 8? Even the strongest magician here is just level 7," Bob said.

"Isn't that you?"

As soon as I said that, he looked at me sharply.

"How do you know?"

"As you know me, I have always been sharp. Though my guess was that you're a level 6 magician. Level 7 was just so you would reveal it yourself. I was right," I said.

"How are you so sharp?"

I can't say that it's because I live a life of kill or be killed and surrounded by dangerous people so I can judge how dangerous someone is. That's my past life. And I'm not allowed to say it.

"That's part of the unspeakable. Wait until I reach level 8 and I can tell you that," I said.

"Hah! You think you can reach level 8?"

"Just level 1 magician and I can already alter magic formulas. Of course I can. Wanna bet?"

"…I guess being able to read those symbols allows you to be stronger than others. I won't bet. But if you can teach me about those symbols, that would be great," Bob said.

"Unfortunately, that's part of the unspeakable. I can't teach it to anyone. Unless after I erase the curse myself. So be patient," I said.

There's no way I can tell anyone in my family that I've been cursed. It's best to keep it as secret.

Still, who is my master? That will be a question that I will ponder the most it seems.