Chapter 10

"Kaiser. You should keep the fact that you can read those symbols as secret. And in case someone finds out about it, just say that it's your special ability that allows you to translate those symbols automatically," Bob said.

He's right. Many magicians will go after me if they learned that I can read those symbols. I only told Bob because he's someone I can trust.

He lets me know that this slum is used as the biggest information guild in the country. It's obvious that he trusts me as well.

And I will not break his trust. I'll do as he says.

In this world, other than the two classes, there's a way for someone to be able to fight monsters. It's if they gained special ability that is not related to either class.

Some just call it special ability. Some called it psychic ability. But it's just totally unknown how someone got it. They just did.

Maybe they're alien? Maybe it's due to an effect of an item? Or maybe they trained those abilities. No one really knows about it. They just exist.

Some are useful for fighting. Some are for other stuffs. So if I say that it's my special ability, then people might believe it.

"Then I guess I can't tell you anything more. Anyway, I'm now officially a magician. And I still have one more choice for free magic book. Which one should I get?" I asked for Bob's suggestion.

"Pick whatever you want. Now that you know that you can use magic and you can even alter magic circle there's nothing I can teach you. You might already better than the smartest magician in the present era. Whatever your magic of choice is, you can use it better than anyone else. Though I think it's best for you to keep saying the name of the magic in a battle. That way, you can trick your enemies to believe that you're no different than other magician," Bob said.

I'll do as he says. Saying the name of your skill is also a way to trick your enemies. That's what my master said. Though there was no way I could swing my knives around while saying the name of my skills. I just realized now that he's talking about using magic instead.

Just who is he? And why did he reincarnate me into this world? Why didn't he use his magic to just go to this world on his own?

I'll just live however I want. Maybe I'll find the answer one day.

If I somehow have a chance to ask those questions, then I will ask.

"Then I have something in my mind. Is there anything I can destroy here? If possible, I will also ask for a knife later. There's something I want to test," I said.

Then Bob brings me to another place. This is where some junks are gathered. They could be sold in case the slum needs emergency fund. And Bob said that I can destroy many things if I want.

I just grabbed a crowbar and tried bending it with my power. It seems like I'm strong enough to bend it.

So I tried bending three at the same time. But I failed.

"I think two is already too much for someone who had just awakened as a level 1 warrior. Why three?"

Bob is probably curious and wants to see what I'm going to test. So he's here just watching me doing weird things.

"To test my next magic. Maybe I don't need magic book anymore. But they are still good enough as a guide. And I'm still a level 1 magician. I don't have enough mana to use stronger magic. So I will get one later. But now, I have something to test," I said.

My master used my soul as a container similar to magic circle to hold the magic formulas inside. So it means that I can use anything as contained for the formulas.

I thought that maybe I could make a living by creating permanent enhancement on some weapons. Making them as good as rare weapons found in Dungeons. That could be good as well.

But before that, I want something I can use on myself. And that is to use my own body as a container for magic formula.

I'm still weak. A level 1 magician. So I can't use my entire body yet.

But if it's just one hand, it should be doable. And it means that I can use Body Enhancement magic that will help me in a fight.

So I'm thinking of what formulas I should place in my hand.

Stronger Bones.

Stronger Muscles.

I think that's enough enhancements. Now I need some limitation so I won't waste my mana. So I think that letting it stronger for just ten seconds while only spend thirty percent of my total mana would be good.

And the most obvious one is to activate the magic at will. This way, after the symbols are drawn, they won't activate instantly. It will depend on when I want to use it.

Then after thinking of everything, I translate those words into the symbols and use magic to draw them into my hand.

It looks stupid. Unlike the previous time when a pattern suddenly appeared on my body. Maybe I should draw some patterns as well to cover the formulas because that will look better. Like real tattoos. But I'll do that later.

"Oh, your right hand is covered by symbols. Is that your magic?" Bob asked.

"It hasn't been activated yet. But the drawing alone cost a bit of mana. I need to think of a way to save my mana even more. But I'll do that later," I said.

Then I grab two crowbars. One for each hand.

I grabbed them in a way that my fingers are spread apart and my thumb can put pressure in the middle between my middle finger and ring finger. I'm thinking of bending the crowbar with a single hand.

Then I activated my magic. And I tried bending both crowbars at the same time.

On my left, I put a lot of strength but it doesn't bend at all. But the crowbar on my right hand bends little by little.

After ten seconds passed, the left crowbar didn't bend at all. But the right one is bent and after ten seconds passed, I couldn't put as much strength as before and it won't bend any more than that.

"Nice! I created Body Enhancement magic!" I shouted happily.

"…That is insane. Does it mean that if a magician has enough mana and able to last for longer and exert more strength, they can even be compared against warriors in strength?" Bob asked.

"I'm not sure. Want to try?"

Maybe I can make Bob to activate the magic I prepared for him. And Bob agreed to the test.

This time, I use his entire right arm to put magic formulas in. And I made it so that Bob can activate it at will.

Using mana to draw, I can give any color I want. So I made the formula in blue color. Then just for fun, I draw a pattern on Bob's right arm in black. Covering the formulas.

"Now it looks like a tattoo. Try saying activate and punch… whatever you can destroy here. It will only last five seconds. But I made the enhancement stronger than when I did it on my body. It will cost only two percent of your total mana. But since you're a much higher level magician than I am, you will be much stronger," I said.

Then instead of grabbing something, he raised the huge pillar from the ground using magic. And he walked toward the pillar.

"Well, this will be interesting. Do you think that I can destroy this pillar?" Bob asked.

"How much mana did you use to raise that pillar?" I asked.

"Less than one percent. A pillar this size, I can make as many as I want."

"Then it will be destroyed to pieces. Remember, five seconds. If you punch after five seconds is up, then you will break your knuckle," I said.

Bob is not someone who fights with his fist. So his punch is simple and amateurish. Pulling his fist back as much as he could, and swing it toward the pillar.

With my enhancement, his fist should be okay. In fact, his entire arm should be fine. I hope that he won't injure his waist or other parts of his body though.

As his fist reaches the pillar, the impact destroyed the pillar into pieces. That's a punch using just two percent of his mana. And that can destroy a pillar that I myself don't know how long it will take if I'm the one destroying it with my current level.

"Whoa… What is this? This is crazy! Kaiser, if I drew a tattoo according to your drawing, will it work all the time?"

"How would I know? I just awakened yesterday. By the way, what level do you need as a warrior to destroy the pillar like that?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe level 3 or 4. Wait, if you're at that level and using this Body Enhancement magic, you can be about as strong as a level 5 or 6 warrior. You really are insane," Bob said.

"I think I am. Now, let's start using other magic, shall we?"

And so, I spend the day trying all kind of magic using magic circle. Some were failures because I didn't have enough mana. And when I tried reducing the cost of mana until I can use it, I could activate the magic. But the effect is much less than even the most basic offensive magic I tried.

I also decided to pick healing magic as my second magic book. I learned it and modify the magic circle to make it better. And I practiced healing magic until it's time to go home.

Today was a great day. I managed to learn a lot.