Chapter 11

It's a day after training with Bob. I took the magic for basic healing that could heal minor injuries and scratches. It's useful. But altering the magic circle made it even more useful.

Though after so much training, Bob and I realized that using magic circle was truly inefficient if you can't draw fast. So we decided that it's best to do what modern magicians do. Chanting the magic words.

But I need to think of a way for me to be able to use the magic circles with the formulas I wrote in a way so that just by saying it while using magic will make those magic activated. But I failed after training for the whole day.

There must be a way to do that. Should I just draw tattoos on my body so I can remember all the magic circles?

Bob said that as my magician level increases, my mind will be clearer and I will be able to memorize things easily. So that's another goal for. And of course my goal will be to reach level 8 as magician to erase the curse.

Using magic circle will be hard in a real battle. So for now, I'll be happy with just healing magic and enchant magic. But I will still continue to find a way to make it easier to use my own magic formulas.

Anyway, that was yesterday. Today is Monday and I'm going back to school again with Reina.

I have told her that I can use magic already. Because she was very insistent when asking me. So I told her that I can use healing magic and enchant magic.

She was curious about enchant magic and disappointed after seeing that magic. Because she expected magic to be special and amazing. Not just to make a blade sharper.

On the way to school as well, she kept complaining why I picked enchant magic. She will never know how useful it is for someone like me who is an expert in fighting.

Like usual, I parked my car in a friend's place and walk to school with Reina. She said that she doesn't have any plan later after school so we might return together.

At school, I entered my classroom and see that some students actually started speaking to some other students whom they haven't talked with before. They weren't friends before. But now, they are closer because they awakened the same class.

And for some reason, those who haven't awakened seem to be isolated. They tried to talk with someone they're close with before. But they ignored them.

This is why I hate to be around teenagers. So stupid.

Fun fact. The five bullies weren't at school at all the whole day. The teacher said that they were hospitalized. And everyone in class figured out what happened after remembered my exchange with the thin guy before.

Even then, it doesn't change the awkward atmosphere in the classroom.

Someone who got along with other people suddenly become isolated. Someone who doesn't get along with other people suddenly become popular.

The same thing is that no one is actually approaching me. Just what happened that make them not wanting to get too close with me?

Oh, right. Back when some bullies tried to bully me, I humiliated them in the end. I had them run around in school bottomless to search for their own pants that I hid.

That's right. I removed their pants and hide them so they can have their own treasure hunt. And they ended up running around the school with no pants on. It was the funniest day of my high school life when I was just a freshman and those bullies were second and even third-year students.

Because of that, I got suspended from school for a week. And everyone learned how crazy I was.

People still talk to me once in a while. But being friends with me? They have to think many times.

They don't have to bother thinking about it if they won't cause me any trouble. I guess their immature way of thinking got in the way.

But that's fine. I can enjoy many things alone or with other people. It's just school. It's not like we will meet again after graduation.

But being in the classroom with this atmosphere annoys me. So during break, I go to the nurse's office.

I'm not sick or anything. But in the nurse's office, there's a guy whom I can say the closest with in this school other than my sister. The school nurse.

"What are you doing here you shithead? Did you cause another trouble?"

"Did you just drink at school? Why are you drunk every day? That's pathetic."

"Today is that time of the year. Every year after awakening test, there's always some troubles caused by someone who just gained new power or someone who failed to get it. Let me drink in peace."

He is the drunken school nurse of the school. I wish the school nurse would be a woman. But we got this guy. Halberd.

He said that it's because of many students awakened their class. But I know for a fact that he always drinks every day. There's even a hidden fridge in the nurse office for him to keep his beers. Covered with sheet so no one can tell.

And I open that fridge and grab a juice I store inside. I'd prefer this than having to go out to buy some. Because there's no one selling this juice in school.

"Why do you use my fridge as if it's yours?"

"Why do you have a fridge here when you shouldn't have any?"

Actually we just mostly stay here and didn't have much conversation. But the atmosphere is better than being in the classroom today.

I'm fine with drinking beer. I didn't do it not because of my age. But I just prefer to have sweeter drink.

Though if someone brought me to a place for a drink, I can still drink. Of course I prefer sweet drinks compared to bitter ones.

"You drink not because of the tastes. But the feels." 

Halberd often said that to me when I drink juice.

"This happened every year, right? I've seen you busy every year but since this year I'm in the same class as those who suddenly change, it's worse than I thought," I said.

"What? You failed to awaken?"

"No. I got both classes. But my attitude is still the same. Everyone in class is just changed overnight. They meet someone and ask them what their class is. If it's not up to their liking, they will ignore them. How childish. They no longer talk about what they want to do after school. They just want to be with someone with the same class," I said.

"Yeah. It happened in my time as well. I failed to awaken a class back then. And everyone stopped talking to me. It's annoying. Cheers."


Yup. Talking with adults is better than with kids. And what I meant is by their maturity in thinking. Not just age. I wish there are more mature kids in class.

"One day your friends will have reunion party. Then those people who avoided you will suddenly talk to you as if everything in the past didn't matter to them. But for you, it was traumatic and you'd rather have them ignore you instead of talking as if being with you was fun," Halberd reminisced about his past.

"You're talking about your experience? Your name might be that of a weapon. But your heart is too weak."

While chatting with him someone suddenly charged into the nurse's office.

"Mr. Halberd! Help! Miss Yuzuki's face was burned!"

Two students entered the nurse's office with an injured teacher. That's the history teacher. Though she doesn't teach my class so I rarely met her.

This country, Searise, is a place where people of the past gathered together and learned to be stronger so they could fight against stronger monsters. This is where the first Hero Academy was built.

Because of such history, many people from the past to the present migrated to this country for safety reason. They either think that it's safe because many powerful superhumans came from this country or they want to be powerful superhumans and learn in the Hero Academy.

Because of that, we have people from different backgrounds gathered in this country. I think my mother's ancestor was from Germany. That's why my name is Kaiser. German word for Emperor. Though that's the same name as my previous life. I don't know why my parents in my past life gave me that name though.

For my sister, I think my father's ancestor came from Spain. So her name is Reina. Spanish for Queen.

Though I doubt my mother can speak German and my father can speak Spanish. They must have used dictionary to find a good name for their babies.

Anyway, it's common for someone to have African name, Asian name, or European name in this country. And it's completely normal here to see someone like Miss Yuzuki who came from Japanese background here.

She was brought here by two female students. They said that a boy was angry that she scolded him for something. Unfortunately, that boy awakened as a magician and already learned magic. He used magic at her in anger and hurting her.

Like I said. Stupid. 

Teenagers are stupid. I hate them. I wish I can graduate sooner.