Chapter 43

What we're doing is illegal. Entering a dungeon when you don't have the permit. When you're not a Hero.

Well, rich people whose kids want to be Heroes do this all the time. Now I know how it feels to be rich.

…I lied. It doesn't feel like that at all.

"So, about the reward…"

"The same as we discussed. If you don't like it, we will take our leave," Bob said to the owner of the building.

"…Fine. We will send ten people to enter the dungeon. And you will send five including yourself. Is that okay?" the owner asked.

"Fine. But the share has to be as we agreed."

And they shake their hand in agreement. Still, he already has ten superhumans. Then why do they need our help? 

While preparing to go to into the dungeon, I asked Bob if it's okay.

"They have ten people. Are you okay with this?" I asked.