Chapter 44

"My bag is filled with rocks. It's heavy," I said.

"Yeah. You have mined a lot of items from the dungeon. But it seems like they all might be normal rocks," Bob said.

"I don't think so. Normal rock should be broken when I put my strength like this," I said as I tried to split the long and thin rock I mined before in two with just my strength.

If it's like this, does it mean that weapons crafted from this rock will be indestructible? Let's craft one of them as weapon for today.

"I think that's enough. What are you doing?" Bob asked me.

"I'm crafting this rock into a knife. It will be great if I have an indestructible weapon," I said.

"…Only you can have them. Once we're done, let's go back to where the others are," Bob said.

"You should go there by yourself to see the situation. Unlike the others, we can communicate with each other using the earpiece that G has hacked before," I said.

"Are you sure you're going to be fine?"