Chapter 50

It's Sunday. And we have the biggest news today.

The truth about a certain guild faking a story came to light. Bob and the others helped to make sure everyone knows the truth. And I also told G to help with Bob and the others in this subject.

It has been discovered that there's an internal fight in that guild. And now, because the truth came to light for some reason, many people started attacking the guild.

Even if the guild leader is not the one at fault, it's still his guild. And the punishment should be harsh. Maybe the guild will be forced to disband.

While watching the news, I got texts from G. I told her to not call me when I'm in the living room. So she's texting me.

Apparently, there are many outsiders helping with the spread of the fake news. Bob and the others are currently taking care of it. Trying to make their crimes come to light.