Chapter 51

"You want to fight in the underworld fighting club? Well, that's fine. Many people joined to improve their fighting skill. And unlike official and legal fighting company, fighters are free to come whenever they want and fight right away. There are even some fighters from a legal fighting company fighting there. I think you will enjoy it a lot. Just be careful because some of the fighters like to kill people," Bob said when I was on the way to register as a fighter.

I'm still on the way. It's actually close to my new apartment. But Bob who heard what I want to do from G come flying at me.

Actually, I don't mind killing. So if the opponent is someone who is aiming to kill me, I will kill them.

"I heard that there's at least a referee to stop the fight," I said.

"You think a referee can stop anyone from killing other people? Sure they can if they are superhuman. But most of the time, they just leave it be," Bob said.