Chapter 52

My first opponent will be Frank. To be honest, I didn't feel happy at all.

I somewhat know his level in fighting back in the warehouse. He's good but not that good. In the same time I took to defeat dozens of superhumans, he only defeated three of them and got beaten up by the level 5 warrior when his level should be higher than mine. So I know that in a match where we're both equal, I could win.

What if he's actually good in grappling instead of striking? Then it would be a good fight.

Wait, if he's popular in this club, the he might be one of the strongest people here. Maybe he hasn't shown everything yet.

And I also want to improve my grappling skill. So we might be equal.

Ever since that day, I would watch and read about grappling skills. From judo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and wrestling. And I watched a lot of them. Though I never have a sparring partner.