Chapter 68

My stronger knife is broken. I only have my spare knife.

My opponent is a chimera. A mix between a human and a monster. The result of an inhumane experiment.

There are a lot of failed experiments in this place. But only this one in front of me that just killed Cavarro and the researcher seems to be able to move and fight.

She is a woman. At least she was originally a female human. But her limbs are that of a monster. A wolf. Those are paws and not hands and feet.

Even so, her head is hard enough that my usual Enchant magic doesn't work. It's not the basic Enchant magic where I need to say the word. It's my own version of Enchant magic that doesn't spend too much mana. 

Even so, it should be stronger than a regular Enchant magic. But her head is strong enough to break my knife.

And that is a normal human head. Maybe because of the experiment, the blood of the monster is mixed in her body and she ended up getting stronger body and bones.