Chapter 69

I'm just a hired man. My job was to make sure that the team can escape safely. At least that's how I interpret it.

Sure my original job was to drive the escape vehicle. But it's not like I can do that with how stupid the team is. So I ended up helping them escape from the mansion. Still, that counts as me doing well in my job, right? After all, I'm still helping them escape from here.

"Destroy the door! Something must have happened inside!"

"I'm trying! This door is too thick! Who can unlock the door?"

"Only the master and the head of the guards can! And they are both inside!"

"Then we can only destroy the door! Is there any level 5 warrior or higher level here?"

"They're all taking other missions outside and unreachable! Only the head of the guards is a level 5 warrior but he's inside!"

Oh, the guards are really trying to destroy the door. I guess with how much Cavarro put importance in this experiment, he paid a lot for that door.