Chapter 82

First, I'll get rid of his subordinate. He's in another room playing video games while smoking. The webcam is facing his position so G can tell what he's doing exactly.

He's completely awake. But he's focused on his game. So I can easily infiltrate and assassinate him.

"Make sure that his internet connection stopped when I entered his room," I whispered to G.

[He's playing online game. He will be angry when the internet is down. And it should be safe. The camera is not connecting to the internet right now,] G said.

"Maybe. But I'm not as good at hacking as you are. Just in case because maybe it's connected somehow," I whispered.

If G can connect to a camera when the camera is not really connected to the internet, then it's possible for a hacker to do it. I don't know if a normal hacker can do it. I'm just doing it to be safe.