Chapter 83

"Is the magic device a phone?" I asked G.

[It is,] she replied.

"Then it's probably Brutus' brother. Brutus really doesn't have any magic device anymore, right? Not even inside his body?" I asked G.

[Yes, I'm sure of it,] G said.

"Then the most likely answer is that Brutus' brother is either a magic warrior that uses some kind of magic that I don't know yet, or he has a special ability. Or maybe it's Brutus who had the special ability and used it before he fainted. In any case, it seems that we can still gain fame because of today's mission," I said.

[That's what you think? The opponent is a level 6 warrior! Your life is at stake!]

"Doing mission like this means that my life is always at risk. Don't worry too much. There's no time limit for the mission. If I can't defeat Brutus' brother, then I will leave and do it again another day," I said.

[You're not going to give up?]