Chapter 95

We gathered the captured kids on one side and made sure that they can't escape. We're not harmed badly but some people did get hurt. But it's not that bad. A few healing magic and they everyone is healthy again.

And now, we're discussing about the objective in this Themed Dungeon.

I gave the phone I used to record things here to one of the wind magician from Green Valley so he can scout the area, record everything, and return here with the result of his finding. The video can be watched by some people. It's better than having a huge camera because it's restraining your move.

The scouts are leaving. The rest continued to discuss our next move while Olivia keeps quiet.

…She does know that she can still speak as long as it's not an order, right? Maybe she's always been a quiet girl.

"We're at war. At least the first enemies we faced were kids. Human kids. We don't know what other enemies out there so we have to prepare ourselves," William said.