Chapter 96

I left the meeting but it was not gone unnoticed. Liana followed me.

"Why are you here?" I asked Liana.

"It was you who gave the order to capture the kids, right? The guild leader told me about it. Then he told me to keep watching you. Now, even the guild leader knows your value. How about joining us?" Liana asked.

"Not interested at the moment. I don't know about the future. Though this is the second Themed Dungeon I have entered and if it goes smoothly, maybe I will really be a Hero specialized in Themed Dungeon. Then maybe next time you want to clear a Themed Dungeon with me, you can try to offer me a huge sum of money. Then we can talk business," I said.

"…I'll consider that what you meant was that you're interested in helping us for a fee. I understand. At least you're not rejecting our offer. Then maybe in the future we can work together again," Liana said.

"As long as you pay me well." 

"So, where are you going?" Liana asked.