Chapter 97

We made all the kids change allegiance. Then everyone split up in groups.

"We'll go and get the kids back to their village. We're still a low-level guild. We don't have many powerful Heroes. So it's best if we let those from the Grand Shield to be the one fighting," Smith said to William.

And I will also go with them. It was me who suggested it. And we can learn something from the villagers perhaps.

So we left. Olivia will go with Grand Shield since her ability to buff the others could be useful in the fight against the enemy General.

Still, there's someone behind that monster. We need to kill that one as well. Though it won't be our priority.

"In the end, our survival is more important. Once we killed the enemy General and a portal opened for us to be able to leave the dungeon, if it's too much for us to go find the Dungeon Core, it's best if we just leave. We'll contact your side when it happened," William said.