Chapter 133

First is Viktor. He fights me with his sword. Even though his Warrior level seems to be higher than mine, his moves are predictable.

"Oh, you trained in a school of swordsmanship or something?" I asked while easily dodging his attack.

"I did!"

He replied but his sword is not stopping.

"I don't know much about sword school but the way you fight won't be enough to kill your enemy. It might not be taught in your school but against someone stronger than you, you will need to add some feints. We'll continue later."

As soon as I said that I tripped his leg and made him fall on the ground.

"Oh, and for everyone, get used to pain. I might have healing magic. But I won't use it on small injuries. There's a limit to every healer on how many times they can use their healing magic," I said to everyone.

Viktor then moves aside. He was just tripped. But that's enough to know the difference between our strength.

"I'll go next," Declan said.