Chapter 134

Dean Robertson instructed everyone to get to know each other. But I feel that we had enough of that so I think it's time to take a mission.

"Excuse me, is there any more class we have to attend today?" I asked.

"No. From today, every Monday is free day. It's so that those who takes mission every weekend can have an extra day to complete their mission in case they haven't completed it. You are free to do what you want now. Why?" the Dean asked me.

"I'm thinking of taking an easy mission that can be completed in a day today. Since we're free now, we'll do that," I said.

"Already? Well, it's you. I think I need to get used to it. And one more thing. Tomorrow, come to my office in the morning. It's about your condition to skip classes," the Dean said.

So he finally has some missions for me to take. Will I have to do it alone or do I need to be with someone else? I'll know about it tomorrow.

"Alright. I'll come to your office tomorrow morning."