Chapter 140

The next morning, I come to the Dean's office right away. And in there, I can see some other people I don't recognize. Though I do recognize one of them.

"Everyone this is Kaiser. The fresh cadet I talked about," Dean Robertson introduced me to the others.

And in the office, there's a TV that shows a recording about my fight last night where I could easily defeat a level 5 Warrior.

"Are you really a level 2 Warrior?" one of the people inside asked.

"And a level 2 Magician. Yes, I am," I said confidently.

"That's not how an amateur fight. Well, whatever. If both Dean Robertson and Instructor Stefan recommend you, I guess you have the skill to join us," he said.

"I don't even know why I'm here other than for a mission," I said.

"I thought that I need to brief it separately. But since you're all here now, it's good that I can tell all of you right away what your mission will be," Dean Robertson said.