Chapter 141

It's time to enter the dungeon. The Double Entrance Dungeon.

First time I've heard of it. The academy hasn't taught us about this yet.

One entrance is here. Near the academy. Just a few blocks away. And the other entrance apparently is under the control of a Villain organization.

The dungeon is a great source of energy with a lot of Magic Crystals to be mined. That's why the Villains are monopolizing it. It's just unfortunate for them that the dungeon has multiple entrances. And one of the entrances is under the control of a Hero Academy.

Still, I can't just simply trust this information so easily. Even when I got information from Giselle, I didn't trust it a hundred percent. Maybe just fifty percent. Eighty percent at most. Never a hundred percent. Because I know to trust my own judgment first before other people's judgment even if it's someone I can trust.